
来源 :日语学习与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kongs874
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元话语标记是描述语言的语言。作为话语标记的一部分,在会话中是调整交际场面的有效手段之一。为了明确日语元话语标记的特征,本文以先行研究为基础,分析了元话语标记的用法和功能。通过分析得出以下结论:1)元话语标记可以分为话语功能和人际功能两大类型;2)元话语标记的功能有话语连接功能、会话管理功能、语境构建功能、人际关系调整功能以及语用制约功能;3)元话语标记作为调节表达过程和人际关系的手段,其使用对说话人和听话人都具有重要的意义;4)元话语标记的使用与谈话的形式、谈话双方的人际关系、话题理解的负担度以及话题的面子威胁程度因素等密切相关;5)从元话语标记的使用中也窥察出了日本人的会话特征。 Meta-discourse markers are the languages ​​that describe the language. As part of the discourse markers, it is one of the most effective means to adjust the communication scene in conversation. In order to clarify the characteristics of Japanese meta-discourse markers, this paper analyzes the usage and function of meta-discourse markers based on the first-line research. Through the analysis, we can draw the following conclusions: 1) Meta-discourse markers can be divided into two types: discourse function and interpersonal function; 2) Meta-discourse markers have discourse connection function, session management function, context construction function, interpersonal relationship adjustment function, Pragmatic control function; 3) meta-discourse markers as means to regulate the process of expression and interpersonal relationships, the use of both the speaker and the listener are of great significance; 4) meta-discourse mark the use of forms of conversation and interpersonal Relationship, the burden of understanding of the topic, and the degree of facial threat of the topic. 5) The conversational features of the Japanese are also observed from the use of meta-discourse markers.
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