
来源 :北京房地产 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sms888
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随着轻轨东线的畅通,无论是居住还是投资,望京已渐渐成为工作生活在北城的人们,尤其是一些年轻人的首选置业地点。本期特为两个不同家庭在望京地区选房进行全方位策划,力求为他们提供一个好方案,如果您也有置业意向,不妨看看。 望京概况:望京居住区位于北京市东北部,紧邻四元桥,是目前全国乃至整个亚洲在建的规模最大、各项设施最齐全的大型社区。目前,望京地区65%的规划已经建成,剩下的仅有十一二块地,其中居住型的用地可能也就是三四块了,望京房地产的竞争随着开发量的减少已逐渐趋缓,面临的是社区成熟问题,即商业配套、公建等配套的建设,其道路的调整、现代化的商业和现代化的服务设施都将在几年之内逐步建成。 With the smooth light rail east line, whether it is living or investing, Wangjing has gradually become the working and living people in North City, especially some young people’s preferred home location. This issue is specifically for two different families in the Wangjing area selection room for all-round planning, and strive to provide them with a good program, if you have home ownership intentions, may wish to take a look. Wangjing Overview: Wangjing residential area is located in the northeast of Beijing, close to the Siyuan Bridge, is currently the country and the entire Asia under construction of the largest and most complete facilities of the large community. At present, 65% of the planning of Wangjing area has been completed, leaving only 11 or 12 sites, of which residential type may be three or four, Wangjing real estate competition with the development of the decline has gradually slowed down, Faced with the problem of community maturity, that is, supporting commercial and public construction projects, the adjustment of roads, modern commercial facilities and modern service facilities will be gradually completed within a few years.
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