Interaction of NPK Fertilizers During Their Transformation in Soils: Ⅲ. Transformations of Monocalci

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Interactions of N, P and K fertilizers in soil-plant systems are widely recognized. This study focused on the transformations of monocalcium phosphate (Ca(H2PO4)2) (MCP) with co-application of ammonium and potassium fertilizers in three different soils. The results showed that after 1 d incubation a large portion of the MCP applied in the paddy, calcareous and red soils became the water-insoluble form and the recoveries of P applied as Olsen P varied greatly in these three soils. Application of ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4) (AS) or potassium chloride (KCl) reduced WSP significantly in the soils with AS more effective than KC1 in the calcareous soil, while the reverse occurred in the red soil. Meanwhile, in the paddy soil, co-application of the two fertilizers reduced WSP more than when the fertilizers were applied individually. The co-application of AS with MCP in the paddy and calcareous soils significantly reduced Olsen P, but the opposite occurred in the red soil. The experiment on the effect of diffe Interactions of N, P and K fertilizers in soil-plant systems are widely recognized. This study focused on the transformations of monocalcium phosphate (Ca (H2PO4) 2) (MCP) with co-application of ammonium and potassium fertilizers in three different soils. The results showed that after 1 d incubation a large portion of the MCP applied in the paddy, calcareous and red soils became the water-insoluble form and the recoveries of P applied as Olsen P varied greatly in these three soils. Application of ammonium sulfate ( (NH4) 2SO4) (AS) or potassium chloride (KCl) reduced WSP significantly in the soils with AS more effective than KC1 in the calcareous soil, while the reverse occurred in the red soil. Meanwhile, in the paddy soil, co-application of the two fertilizers reduced WSP more than when the fertilizers were applied individually. The co-application of AS with MCP in the paddy and calcareous soils significantly reduced Olsen P, but the opposite occurred in the red soil. The experiment on t he effect of diffe
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一、胡应麟其人    胡应麟(1551-1602),字元瑞,后更字明瑞,号少室山人,别号石羊生,浙江兰溪人,明代著名文学家、文献学家。他出身于书香门第,先祖胡瑗是宋代学者和教育家;外祖父宋震亦是饱学之士,有雪溪堂,聚书其中;父亲胡禧也是学者,有著作行世;母亲通晓诸子百家、稗官小说、传奇词曲等。受家庭环境的影响,胡应麟生性聪慧,自幼好学能诗。然而,在万历四年(1576年)中举之后,却屡试不第。从此,
作为国有大型企业,随时掌握社区特殊群体的思想动态,采取针对性的工作方法做好特殊群体的思想工作,是维护企业稳定的基础。  离退休(养)群体是企业特殊群体的一个重要方面,他们具有明显的特点和特殊的优势:一是思想觉悟较高,有接受党的方针政策快的优势。他们在一些大是大非问题上立场坚定。但在一些日常活动中的自主性差,需要组织进行有效引导。  二是政治责任感强、荣誉感强,历来有识大体、顾大局、自觉为企业和社会