Research on Dispensing Mechanism of Active Code in Active Network

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:du_go666
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The dispensing mechanism of active code is the key technology in active network. Conventional capsule and programmable switch approaches have their own shortcomings. DCCAN mechanism presented in this paper overcomes their shortcomings. In this paper, capsule and programmable switch approaches are introduced and their shortcomings are analyzed. The principle of DCCAN mechanism is described. The theoretical analyses in transmission bandwidth based on DCCAN mechanism and capsule approach are described, and key factors which affect the transmission bandwidth based on DCCAN mechanism are also discussed. At the same time, the theoretical analyses in latency based on DCCAN mechanism and capsule approach are described. The using condition of DCCAN mechanism is also discussed. The dispensing mechanism of active code is the key technology in active network. Conventional capsule and programmable switch approaches have their own shortcomings. DCCAN mechanism presented in this paper overcomes their shortcomings. In this paper, capsule and programmable switch approaches are introduced and their shortcomings are The principle of DCCAN mechanism is described. The theoretical analyzes in transmission bandwidth based on DCCAN mechanism and capsule approach are described, and key factors which affect the transmission bandwidth based on DCCAN mechanism are also discussed. At the same time, the theoretical analyzes in latency based on DCCAN mechanism and capsule approach are described. The using condition of DCCAN mechanism is also discussed.
薛仁贵  薛仁贵三箭定天山(在今新疆),小时候就听说了的,他的故事已经融入老一辈的口头传说。即使不读中国历史,也知他是一位猛将,常身着白袍,手持长戟,破阵似入无人之境。  薛仁贵,单名礼,字仁贵(614—683)绛州龙门人(今山西河津)。少年贫贱,耕种为业。唐太宗李世民亲征辽东时(辽河以东地区,今辽宁的东部和南部以及吉林的东南部),他正想迁父母之坟,以求发达。其妻柳氏说:“夫有高世之材,要须遇时乃
有一颗怕痒痒的星球,它非常非常怕痒痒。  春天,一棵小草从土地里钻出来了。它窸(xī)窸窣(sū)窣,一点一点顶开头顶上的泥土,伸起了懒腰,像是在轻轻挠(náo)着怕痒痒星球的胳肢窝。  “哈哈哈,哈哈哈!”怕癢痒星球实在忍不住了,它一边笑着,一边扭动着身体。  刚刚出生的小草问它:“你为什么笑啊?”  “因为你长出来了,这值得高兴。哈哈哈!”怕痒痒星球回答道。  接着,下了一场小雨,滴滴答答,像
项目名称:Casa Tuscania项目地点:San Salvador,El Salvador建筑设计:Cincopatasalgato/Jose Roberto Paredes施工单位:Lopez-Hurtado C.V.结构工程:Narvaez-Hinds S.
孩子的童年不仅只有作业,还应该有尽情奔跑在球场上滴落的汗水。  “嘭”的一声,一记迅疾的低平任意球从对手球员人墙的脚下漏过,门将扑救不及,皮球擦着球门立柱钻入死角……为期两个月的和平区校园足球联赛U10男子组迎来了冠亚军的争夺战,沈阳市和平区南京一校足球队经过顽强拼搏,以九胜一平的战绩打進决赛。  记者在对足球小将们的球技感到惊讶的同时,也采访到了他们那些鲜为人知的一面。  前锋·苗格伟  二年级
航空公司客户服务管理系统是从航空公司的业务实际需求出发,基于客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management)的理念,构建的以客户旅行全流程体验一致性的、服务互动营销
目的 :分析外伤性白内障的CT表现 ,并探讨CT在其临床诊断中的应用价值。方法 :回顾分析 5 8例经临床眼科检查和/或手术证实的 63只伤眼晶状体的CT表现 ,并对其中 5 3例外伤晶