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游览都江堰,参观“二王庙”,拜竭李冰父子塑象,瞻仰治水先驱殿堂,感触颇深,受益匪浅,特别是在一座庙内,同时供奉父子二人,且又均封为“王”,这在中外史上实属罕见!可见我国人民对李冰父子的深情厚意和感恩戴德的崇敬心情,故特为他们建庙修祠、树碑立传,以彰其功,永世不忘。 李冰是战国时期的水利专家。泰平蜀后不久,约在公元前250—251年,秦昭襄王派李冰为蜀郡守。李冰在儿子李二郎和王等人协助下。在前人治水的基础上,他深入实地,跋山涉水,调查研究,亲自考证,掌握了地形、河流、水患灾害等第一手资料后,因地制宜,趋利避害,全面规划,综合治理,征发民工,大展 Visit Dujiangyan, visit the “two kings temple”, worship the statue of Li Bing and his son, pay tribute to the pioneer of water governance, deep feelings, benefit greatly, especially in a temple, both father and son, and both were named “king ”This is rare in the history of China and foreign countries! It can be seen that our people cherished the profound affection and gratitude of Depp and his father and son for their reverence and dedication. Therefore, they specially built temples and temples in order to demonstrate their merits and never forget. Li Bing is a water conservancy expert in the Warring States period. Soon after T’ping-hsushu was about 250-251 BC, the king of Qin Chao Zhaoxiang sent Li Bing to Shujun. Li Bing, assisted by his son Li Jilang and Wang et al. On the basis of his predecessors’ rule of water, he went deep into the field, hell and wade, conducted investigations and studies, personally verified and grasped the first-hand information on terrain, rivers and flooding disasters. , Exhibition
The ELISPOT assay is increasingly used for assessing cellular immune responses in clinical trials of HIV-1 or cancer vaccines. However, to date, data from clini
1230 误诊为亚急性细菌性心内膜炎的缺铁性贫血一例胡丰秋实用内科杂志1(1):24,1981患者28岁女性。因心悸气短、乏力、鼻衄、发热、夜间阵发性呼吸困难,全身浮肿入院。查体
0398 何杰金氏病51例临床分析赵子华等天津医药8(11):698,1980 天津人民医院自1973~1978年收治何杰金氏病51例,年龄6~65岁,平均31岁,以31~50岁最多,男37例,女14例,治法以联合化
The virus-like particle(VLPs) vaccine is an ideal HIV-1 vaccine, which can simultaneously induce a neutralizing antibody reaction and cell-mediated immunity eff