
来源 :文史春秋 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aiyouxizhiwojian
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1994年4月30日是任弼时同志诞辰90周年的纪念日。是年冬日的傍晚,我在西四附近一个普通的院落里,见到了他的夫人、年已九十有三的陈琮英老人。 陈琮英老人在党内有极好的口碑,这缘于她矢志不渝的信念,默默无闻的奉献,从不伸手向党索取的品德。 叶剑英在礼赞任弼时时,曾满怀激情说过这样为全党首肯的话:“他是我们党的骆驼,中国人民的骆驼,担负着沉重的担子,走着漫长的艰若的道路,没有休息,没有享受,没有个人的任何计较。他是杰出的共产主义者,是我们党最好的党员,是我们的模范。” April 30, 1994 is the anniversary of the 90th anniversary of Comrade Ren Bishi’s birth. It was the winter of the year in the evening. I was in an ordinary courtyard near Xizi and saw his wife, aged 90 and aged 90. Chen Ying-ying elderly people in the party have an excellent reputation, which is due to her faith unswervingly, unknown dedication, never reach for the party to obtain the character. Ye Jianying, who was a compliment to Ren Bishi, said with enthusiasm this affirmation of the whole party: “He is a camel of our party and a camel of the Chinese people, shouldering a heavy burden and taking a long and arduous journey without rest and without Enjoy, without any personal consideration.He is an outstanding communist, is our party’s best party members, is our model. ”
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