Effect of Inhibitors on Corrosion of Gadolinium in Water

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chair_mao
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The effects of some inhibitors such as NaOH, NH_4OH, Tannic acid and benzotriazole (BTA) were investigated by weight loss, potentiodynamic polarization curve. The results show that NaOH solution is the best one to inhibit the corrosion of Gd in water. After 8880 h immersions in NaOH solution with pH=10, the surface of the Gd sample is still silver white. And there are no pitting and weight loss in this process. The same result is in BTA+NaOH solution with pH=7. After long time immersion, the Gd metal is bright and not corroded. The right inhibitions selection protects Gd from being corroded and ensures that the magnetic refrigerator can work for a long time. The results of some inhibitors such as NaOH, NH_4OH, Tannic acid and benzotriazole (BTA) were investigated by weight loss, potentiodynamic polarization curve. The results show that NaOH solution is the best one to inhibit the corrosion of Gd in water. After 8880 h And there are no pitting and weight loss in this process. The same result is in BTA + NaOH solution with pH = 7. After long time immersion in NaOH solution with pH = 10, the surface of the Gd sample is still silver white. , the Gd metal is bright and not corroded. The right inhibitions selection protects Gd from being corroded and ensures that the magnetic refrigerator can work for a long time.
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