Gas Geothermometry in the Hveragerdi High-Temperature Geothermal Field, SW Iceland

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:panmandy
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Five gas geothermometers based on the concentrations of CO-2, H-2S, H-2, CH-4, N-2 and Ar in fumaroles and wet|steam wells are applied to estimating subsurface temperatures in the Hveragerdi high|temperature geothermal field, SW Iceland. The results for fumaroles indicate that the calculated subsurface temperatures decrease from the northern part to the southern part of the field. The CO-2|geothermometer gives the highest temperature values, with an average of 256℃ for the northern part, and 247℃ for the southern part. The H-2S|geothermometer reveals an aquifer temperature of 211℃ for the northern part, and 203℃ for the southern part. The H-2|geothermometer gives an average subsurface temperature of 229℃ for the northern part, and 184℃ for the southern part, which agrees excellently with the measured temperatures in wet|steam wells. The measured borehole temperatures in the field range from 215℃ to 230℃ for the northern part, and from 167℃ to 198℃ for the southern part. The CO-2/H-2|geothermometer gives the lowest subsurface temperature values, with an average of 203℃ for the northern part, and 143℃ for the southern part. The CO-2/N-2|geothermometer gives 249℃ for the northern part and 235℃ for the southern part. For the data from wells, the CO-2|, H-2S|, and H-2|geothermometers, give average subsurface temperatures of 247℃ for the northern part and 246℃ for the southern part, 213℃ for the northern part and 220℃ for the southern part, and 217℃ for the northern part and 216℃ for the southern part, respectively. The CO-2/H-2|geothermometer indicates an average subsurface temperature of about 200℃ for both the northern part and the southern part. The CO-2/N-2|geothermometer gives an average subsurface temperature of 180℃ for the northern part and 259℃ for the southern part. The discrepancy between the estimated subsurface temperatures obtained by the various gas geothermometers has been explained in this paper. By integrating the solute geothermometric results, mixing model studies and gas geothermometric results, the maximum subsurface temperatures of the Hveragerdi high|temperature geothermal system may be considered to be about 240-260℃.
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