Application of high-temperature permanent magnets Sm(Co, Fe, Cu, Zr)_Z in PPM focusing system

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuxing2000
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Rare earth permanent magnets Sm(Co, Fe, Cu, Zr)Z with outstanding performance and high-temperature thermal stability were fabricated. Optimized by Fe content and process, Sm(Co0.72Fe0.15Cu0.1Zr0.03)7.5 magnet with Br>0.75 T and Hci>1300 kA/m at 300 °C can be obtained. According to the performance data of Sm(Co0.72Fe0.15Cu0.1Zr0.03)7.5, the magnetic field along central axis BZ in periodic permanent magnet (PPM) focusing system was simulated using electromagnetic field analysis software Maxwell 2D/3D. The BZ exhibited typical cosine curve along central axis, and the peak value of BZ was high enough to meet the demand of PPM focusing system at room temperature even at 200±20 °C. Additionally, a kind of simple cooling structure for PPM focusing system was designed by setting cooling pipe between polepieces. Simulated results showed that smooth cosine curve of BZ was successfully achieved with good control of the thickness of cooling pipe. Rare earth permanent magnets Sm (Co, Fe, Cu, Zr) Z with outstanding performance and high-temperature thermal stability were fabricated. Optimized by Fe content and process, Sm (Co0.72Fe0.15Cu0.1Zr0.03) 7.5 magnet with Br > 0.75 T and Hci> 1300 kA / m at 300 ° C can be obtained. According to the performance data of Sm (Co0.72Fe0.15Cu0.1Zr0.03) 7.5, the magnetic field along central axis BZ in periodic permanent magnet ( PPM) focusing system was simulated using electromagnetic field analysis software Maxwell 2D / 3D. The BZ exhibited typical cosine curve along central axis, and the peak value of BZ was high enough to meet the demand of PPM focusing system at room temperature even at 200 ± 20 ° C., A kind of simple cooling structure for PPM focusing system was designed by setting cooling pipe between polepieces. Simulated results showed that smooth cosine curve of BZ was successfully achieved with good control of the thickness of cooling pipe.
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