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诱蛾灯是利用害虫较强的趋光、趋波、趋色的特性,选用对害虫有极强诱杀作用的光源和波长、波段引诱成虫,灯外配以高压电网进行触杀,达到杀灭害虫的目的。其使用范围广、诱虫量大,对农、林、果、蔬害虫都有诱杀作用,能大大降低落卵量,每盏诱蛾灯能控制2公顷左右稻田,并且一次投资,多年使用。无污染、对人畜无毒,能有效保护天敌,不会使害虫产生抗性,与稻鸭生态种养技术配合,是目前生产生态稻米的理想技术措施。本刊特邀桃江县农业局高级农艺师苏伟同志绘制,农艺师陈敏同志改编,以连环画的形式介绍本技术。 Moth light is the use of pests strong phototaxis, wave, color tendency of the characteristics of the selection of insects have a strong trapping effect of the light source and wavelength, band inducing adults, lamp with high voltage power grid to touch and kill, to kill pests the goal of. Its wide range of use, large amount of insect traps on agriculture, forestry, fruit, pests and insects have a trapping and killing effect, can greatly reduce the amount of eggs, each light trap can control 2 hectares of paddy fields, and an investment, for many years. Non-polluting, non-toxic to humans and animals, can effectively protect natural enemies, and does not cause pest resistance. Cooperating with the ecological breeding technology of rice ducks, it is an ideal technical measure for ecological rice production. In this article, we invited Comrade Su Wei, a senior agronomist from Peach County Bureau of Agriculture, to make a compilation of Comrade Chen Min by agronomist, introducing the technology in the form of comic strip.
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Salivary testosterone of sprinters and long distance runners be fore and after training sessions and during the recovery period was measured. The study found th
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晚期产后出血是指分娩24小时后,在产褥期内发生的子宫大量出血,是产科的严重并发症之一。本文就43例不同的晚期产后大出血病例进行探讨分析。 Late postpartum hemorrhage r