满足市场日益需求 增强核心竞争能力——昆山添高香精香料制造有限公司将成为国内最大香原料生产基地之一

来源 :香料香精化妆品 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shuibizi
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江苏昆山以她无比优良的生态、人文、政务、法制环境,吸引国内外客商纷纷投资落户。同时实践证明,到昆投资的企业与地方获得了“双赢”的发展。 上海爱普香料有限公司于2001年在昆山千年古镇、顾炎武的故乡千灯镇,投资创建了全资子公司——昆山添高香精香料制造有限公司,主要生产合成、天然香料。 昆山添高香精香料有限公司经过四年多的努力,已初步形成了高起点的产品开发、稳定可靠的质量和优良的服务为主要内容的核心竞争能力;并为国内外客户提供了具有专业水准的产品及为调香师所需复杂配方中,提供特殊需求的香原料,从而在行业中赢得了良好的声誉,在行业中牢固地确立了添高公司的地位。 在四年多的发展过程中,昆山添高香精香料有限公司深深地体会到,面临全球一体化香料市场的需求不断变化;产品结构不断调整,原来的工厂越来越不能满足市场需求和产品结构的调整,工厂必须进行理念更新、工厂必须进行扩建。在计划扩建过程中,添高公司科学地分析了有利扩建的几方面因素:首先,昆山优良的投资地理环境,如昆山处于长三角最为发达地区之一,地理环境优越,基础设施先进,水、陆、空交通极为便利,对工厂未来的发展,创造了不可缺少的条件。其二,昆L LI投资的软环境也给工厂的扩建创造了可靠的保证。任何事物在发展中终会遇到一定的困难,添高公司也不例外。在四年多的时期里,添高公司也遇到了许多这样或那样的困难,但这些困难在昆山当地政府和昆山香料香精化妆品工业协会大力帮助、支持、协调下,很多难题都迎刃而解。基于这些因素,上海爱普公司决策层从2004年决定加大投资力度,在原有厂区的基础上进行扩建。 Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, with her excellent ecological, cultural, political and legal environment, attracting domestic and foreign investors have settled in. At the same time, practice has proved that enterprises and places that have invested in Kunming have won a “win-win” development. Shanghai Aipu Spice Co., Ltd. invested and founded a wholly-owned subsidiary, Kunshan Tiangao Flavors & Fragrances Manufacturing Co., Ltd. in 2001, the 1,000-year-old town of Kunshan and the town of Qiandeng, the hometown of Gu Yanwu. The company mainly produces synthetic and natural spices. After more than four years of hard work, Kunshan Tiangao Flavors & Fragrances Co., Ltd. has initially formed the core competitiveness of high starting point product development, stable and reliable quality and excellent service as the main content. It has also provided customers both at home and abroad with professional standards Products and perfumers in complex formulations required to provide special needs of the fragrant raw materials, which in the industry has won a good reputation in the industry firmly established the status of Tim high companies. In the course of more than four years of development, Kunshan Tiangao Flavors and Fragrances Co., Ltd. has deeply realized that the demand in the global integrated spice market is constantly changing. The product structure is constantly adjusted, and the original factories are unable to meet the market demand and products The structural adjustment, the factory must carry on the idea renewal, the factory must carry on the expansion. In the process of plan expansion, Timor scientifically analyzed several aspects of favorable expansion: Firstly, Kunshan’s excellent investment geographical environment, such as Kunshan, is one of the most developed regions in the Yangtze River Delta with superior geographical environment, advanced infrastructure, Land and air traffic is very convenient, the future development of the factory, created an indispensable condition. Second, the soft environment invested by Kun L LI also created a reliable guarantee for the expansion of the factory. Anything in the development will eventually encounter some difficulties, Tim high companies are no exception. For more than four years, Timor has encountered many difficulties of this kind or another. However, many difficulties have been solved with the help, support and coordination of Kunshan local government and Kunshan Flavors & Fragrances Cosmetics Industry Association. Based on these factors, the Shanghai Epson decision-making level in 2004 decided to step up investment in the expansion of the existing plant on the basis of.
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