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杉木炭疽病在我国南方各省丘陵地区普遍发生。病害主要在春季为害幼树的先年秋梢,使梢头针叶枯死或梢头枯死。感病较轻的或在较老枝条上,只引起针叶先端枯死。从感病针叶和嫩茎上经常分离到一种毛盘孢属(Colletotrichum)的炭疽菌,经室内和林间接种试验和再分离,证明它是杉木炭疽病的病原物。在因炭疽病而枯死的针叶上,常常出现一种多毛孢菌(Pestalotia)的子实体,试验证明它们多半是次生的或腐生的真菌。因不正常的生理原因引起的黄化针叶更容易感病。 关于杉木的病害,以前很少报道。近十多年来,我国南方各省大力营造杉木用材林,在低山丘陵地区也建立了许多以杉木林为主的用材林基地。在这些杉木幼林中,普遍出现针叶及梢头黄化、枯死的现象,对幼树的生长造成极大影响。从1974年起,我们在江西对这个问题开始进行研究。当时因为对这种病害缺乏认识,总的称它为杉木叶枯病。经过两年的探索以后,弄清了杉木叶枯病实际上包括3种主要的病害,即杉木生理性黄化病、杉木细菌性叶枯病和杉木炭疽病。前两种病害的情况已有报道。本文将叙述我们对杉木炭疽病的研究结果。试验工作主要是在江西省进贤县北岭林场进行的,同时也到江西北部地区10余个县市的近20个场圃作了调查研究。 Cunninghamia lanceolata occurs in the hilly areas of southern China. Diseases mainly in the early spring of autumn saplings young shoots, so that the first needle or withered dead. Sensitive to light or older branches, only cause asexual apex dead. A Colletotrichum anthracnose, often isolated from susceptible and tender stems, has been shown to be the causative agent of Chinese fir anthracnose by indoor and inoculation tests and re-isolation. On needle leaves that have died of anthracnose, there is often a fruiting body of Pestalotia proven to be mostly secondary or saprophytic fungi. Due to abnormal physiological causes of yellow conifer more susceptible to disease. Diseases of Chinese fir have rarely been reported before. In the past ten years or so, various provinces in the south of our country have energetically established fir timber forests and many timber forest bases dominated by Chinese fir forests have also been established in the hilly areas. In these young Chinese fir plantations, the phenomenon of yellowing and withering of needles and shoots is common, which has a great impact on the growth of saplings. Since 1974, we started to study this issue in Jiangxi. At the time because of the lack of awareness of this disease, the total called it fir blight. After two years of exploration, it was clarified that the leaf blight of Cunninghamia lanceolata actually includes three main diseases, namely, Chinese fir physiological yellow disease, Chinese fir bacterial bacterial blight and Chinese fir anthracnose. The first two diseases have been reported. This article will describe our findings on Chinese fir anthracnose. The experimental work was mainly conducted in the North Ridge Farm in Jinxian County, Jiangxi Province. At the same time, nearly 20 farms in more than 10 counties and cities in the northern part of Jiangxi Province were investigated.
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