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我来长泰的第一天下午,练了一个半小时的字,眼睛很疲劳。姑姑说带我们去游泳,放松放松,我一听兴奋得不得了!来到游泳池,姑姑说:“耀翔,你要是能从1号跳台游到3号跳台,我就请你吃牛排。”1号跳台到3号跳台只有几米,但我还是旱鸭子,不会游。妹妹告诉我,学游泳要先练憋气。开始练憋气时,我战战兢兢地沉入水中,鼻子总爱呛水。姑姑说:“憋气时不能呼吸,要不就会呛水。”我听了,深吸一口气, On the first day of my visit to Changtai, I practiced for an hour and a half, with very tired eyes. Aunt said to take us to swim, relax, I am very excited! Came to the pool, my aunt said: “Yao Xiang, if you can jump from the No. 1 platform to the No. 3 platform, I will ask you to eat steak. ”No. 1 platform to the No. 3 platform only a few meters, but I still drought duck, will not swim. Sister told me to learn swimming to exercise suffocation. When I started to exercise my breath, I cautiously sink into the water, nose always choke water. Aunt said: “breath can not breathe, or will choke water. ” I listened, took a deep breath,
同学们一定知道猫捉老鼠,天经地义吧!那你们听说过狗也会捉老鼠吃吗?有的同学可能会说,有一句话叫作“狗拿耗子——多管闲 Students must know cat and mouse, it is justif
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中国钢铁工业协会钢铁工业信息及自动化推进中心年会于 2 0 0 3年 1月 4~ 6日在武汉举行。出席会议的有中国科学技术部副部长马颂德 ,原冶金工业部副部长、现中国钢铁工业协会
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一部分人选择了适应体制,并努力在现有体制下实现自己的目标,这样的人才能成为社会中的成功者。 Some people choose to adapt to the system, and strive to achieve their