
来源 :张家口医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:thelkiss
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针对我校新生入学身体状况调查发现,医学院校的学生在身体健康方面存在着普遍亚健康状态。很显然,为获取560以上高分,升入医学院校学习,因此在身体各方面不同程度地进行了巨大透支,再加上平时缺乏体育活动和锻炼,入学后学生身体普遍下降,甚至带有各种疾病隐患。更有的学生因身体体检不合格退学的,造成终身遗憾。所以,加强学生身体锻炼,增强学生身体健康,是我们教学中主要任务之一。 A survey of the physical condition of freshmen entering our school found that students in medical colleges and universities are in a generally sub-healthy state of health. Obviously, in order to obtain a high score of 560 or more and go to a medical school for study, there is a huge overdraft in varying degrees in all aspects of the body. Coupled with the usual lack of physical activity and exercise, students generally decline in enrollment, Hidden dangers of various diseases. Some students fail to leave because of physical examination, resulting in life-long regret. Therefore, to enhance students ’physical activity and to enhance students’ health are one of the main tasks in our teaching.
Functional indigestion is also termed non-ulcerativeindigestion. Because of unknown pathogenesis, there is no specific therapy clinically. The author had treat
Dr. YIN Ming is skilled at the pediatric diseases and wins the trust from her patients and their families. I leed a lot from the clinical practice with her and
辨证针刺结合耳穴贴压治疗30例肥胖症患者,与单纯耳穴贴压治疗30例对照,治疗30 d后有效率分别为90.0%和66.7%,两组疗效差异有统计意义(P<0.05).,Thirty cases of obesity were
根据灵龟八法取穴,并辨证配穴,治疗肥胖症患者30例,结果显效6例,有效21例,无效3例,总有效率为90.0%.,The points, Neiguan (PC 6)-Gongsun (SP 4), Houxi (SI 3)-Shenmai (BL