科研苦旅 创新人生——访北京理工大学电流变技术专家魏宸官教授

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个人简厉:魏哀官,1933邓年生于江苏常州,1950年毕业于清华大学,教授,博士生导师。曾在英国谢菲尔德大学、利物浦大学、德国柏林工业大学做访问学者,是国家重点学科—军用车辆工程的第一学术带头人,是我国电流变技术研究课题的首创人。在近50年的教学生涯中,共培养了硕士研究生23名,博士研究生21名,指手博士后7名。从事“国产坦克在我国南方水网地区的通过性研究”、“坦克在平原和丘陵水稻田地区的通过性和超越田埂障碍的研完”、“履带车辆转向理论”的研究,编著《坦克理论》和《履带行驶装置行驶原理》,获兵器工业部科技进步奖;在“车辆液力传动”领域研制了许多实用产品,编写译著多部,获全国科学大会奖及全国优秀科技图书一等奖;在“液休拈性传动技术”领域,成功开发奥美伽离合器,获兵器工业部科技进步一等奖、第35届尤里卡国际发明博览会个人发明最高荣誉奖—级骑士勋章、国家技术开发优秀成果奖、军转民高技术产品出口金奖;专利产品“军用丰辆冷却风扇温控调速离合器”获国家发明奖,兵器工业部科技进步奖。目前正潜心研完国家重大项目电流变技术,已获实用新型专利3项,发表学术论文功多篇,获部级科技进步奖,并撰写了《电流变技术》专著。 人生理念一个人一生走什么样的路,能取得什么样的成就,甚至于 Personal Jane Li: Wei Wei official, 1933 Deng was born in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, graduated from Tsinghua University in 1950, Professor, doctoral tutor. He was a visiting scholar at the University of Sheffield, the University of Liverpool, and the Technical University of Berlin in Germany. He is the first academic leader of the national key discipline - military vehicle engineering and is the pioneer in the research of electrorheological technology in China. In nearly 50 years of teaching career, a total of 23 master’s graduate students, 21 doctoral students, finger-doctor post-doctor 7. Engaged in “China-made tanks in the South of China’s water network through the sexual research”, “tanks in the plain and hilly paddy areas through the field and beyond the obstacle Barrier”, “Tracked Vehicle Steering Theory” study, edited “Tank Theory ”And“ crawler travel device driving principle ”, won the Ministry of Weaponry Science and Technology Progress Award; in the field of“ vehicle hydraulic transmission ”has developed many practical products, compiled and translated many, won the National Science Conference Award and the national outstanding science and technology books first class Award; In the field of “liquid off the transmission technology,” Ogilvy Clutch successfully developed by the Ministry of Ordnance Industry Science and Technology Progress Award, the 35th Eureka International Invention Fair personal invention highest honor award - Knight Medal, National Technology Development Outstanding Achievement Award, military turn civilian high-tech products export gold medal; patented product “Military abundance of cooling fan temperature control clutch” won the national invention award, Ministry of Weaponry Science and Technology Progress Award. At present, he is devoted himself to researching electrorheological technology of major national projects. He has won 3 utility model patents, has published many academic papers and won the ministry-level scientific and technological progress award and authored the book “Electrorheological Fluid Technology”. Life philosophy What kind of life a person can take, what kind of achievement can be achieved, or even
AIM:To investigate the surgical treatment of patientswith intermediate-terminal pancreatic cancer.METHODS:A retrospective analysis was made of theclinical data
篇引 她虽出生于豪门——蒋介石之“文胆”陈布雷家中,却是中共党员,活跃在反蒋斗争前线,选择了艰难危险之路。周恩来、邓颖超都十分夸奖她。全国解放后,她又历经了许多磨难,是邓
本文介绍了压缩机可靠性的基本理论,包括可靠性的定义和有关特征量;可靠度函数;可靠性的概率分布以及可靠性设计中常用的分布函数等。 This paper introduces the basic the