Effective improvement of beam lifetime based on radiofrequency phase modulation at the HLS-Ⅱ storage

来源 :核技术(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xh287315717
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A radiofrequency (RF) phase modulation method is applied to the Hefei Light Source Ⅱ storage ring to deeply investigate its longitudinal beam characteristics and improve the beam lifetime. A theoretical analytical model and corresponding experimental measurements of single bunch length and island phenomena are examined. From a series of online machine experiments, we demon-strate that the suitable phase modulation amplitude is 0.02 rad, corresponding to an optimum modulation frequency ranging from 19.6 to 20.7 kHz of the RF system. Fur-thermore, the overall beam lifetime can be increased by a factor of 2.38 as a result of the beam dilution effect.
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2009年3月底,一部反映改革开放30年的电视剧《绝地逢生》,在央视一套黄金时段热播。龚洁饰演的美丽柔弱的苗家少女“黄九妹”,把苗家女子的善良、淳朴、敢爱敢恨的精神。演绎得淋漓尽致,博得观众的一致好评。  但鲜为人知的是。龚洁曾在“红楼梦中人”选秀中失利,一度萎靡不振、陷入失败的阴影和忧郁中。关键时刻,她的母亲,全总文工团国家一级演员龚七妹全身心地带领着女儿一步步走出泥淖,跟导演朋友推荐女儿,让