
来源 :中国青年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hrzcq
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立足农业大县和资源禀赋,梨树县坚定不移地走以农业现代化促进工业化、推动城镇化的发展路子,着力推进生产要素集聚,着力推进经济增长方式转变,着力推进产业结构优化,着力推进城乡面貌改观,努力实现经济社会又好又快发展。截止2012年末,全县GDP达到336.8亿元,三次产业比重为27.5:34.8:37.7;公共财政预算全口径收入达到10.1亿元,地方级收入达到6.43亿元,增幅分别达到28.9%和47%;城镇居民可支配收入达到16562元,农民人均纯收入已达到近万元。去年共开发引进项目227个,投资总额达到151亿元,完成 Based on large agricultural counties and resource endowments, Lishu County resolutely takes the road of agricultural modernization to promote industrialization and promote urbanization, concentrates on the promotion of the agglomeration of factors of production, makes efforts to promote the transformation of the mode of economic growth, and tries its best to promote the optimization of the industrial structure with a view to promoting The outlook of urban and rural areas will change, and strive to achieve sound and rapid economic and social development. By the end of 2012, the GDP of the entire county reached 33.68 billion yuan, the proportion of the three industries was 27.5: 34.8: 37.7; the revenue of the public finance budget reached 1.01 billion yuan and the revenue of local governments reached 643 million yuan, up by 28.9% and 47% respectively; Disposable income of urban residents reached 16,562 yuan, per capita net income of farmers has reached nearly million. Last year, a total of 227 projects were introduced and the total investment reached 15.1 billion yuan
摘 要:随着国家教育改革的不断深入,素质教育越来越受到重视,高职学校的教师也从以往注重教学成绩转变为更加注重教学方法。在高职网球的教学中,应用分层次教学的方法能够获得良好的教学效果。本文对分层次教学方法的内涵和应用现状进行分析,并对分层次教学在高职网球教学中的应用加以阐述。  关键词:分层次;高职;网球教学  当前,高职网球教学存在诸多问题。学生的身体素质以及接受能力等具有较大的差异,因此不能使用
采用复合金属收集极设计的真空康普顿探测器,使伽马探测灵敏度有效提高。为表征探测器测量信号的质量和可靠性,需要对探测器的γ/n鉴别本领进行评估。应用强钴源(能量1.25 Me
inan, capital of Shandong Province, is the provincial center of politics, economy, culture, finance, transport, convention and exhibition, science and education. Its favorable geographic location make
1996年的夏天,注定将是一个不平凡的开端。当时的洛杉矶湖人队刚刚在过去的赛季被火箭队在季后赛首轮淘汰——后者完成了两连冠。湖人队的“Show time”时代终结后,再也没能
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