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一项对世界500强企业的调查研究表明,这些企业之所以出类拔萃关键是有优秀的企业文化。优秀的企业文化,应该以顾客为中心,平等对待员工,平衡利益相关者的利益,提倡团队精神,并鼓励创新。换一种说法就是,要有雄厚的研发能力,产品技术领先、质量优异,从研发、生产到销售等各个环节和产品本身都符合绿色环保要求:要讲诚信:要以人为本,把用户的利益放在首要位置。对企业来说这就是立身之本、竞争之基、力量之源。但目前一些企业在这方面还有较大差距,其典型表现是不太讲究道德。不讲道德按“三个代表”的要求来分析,就是生产或销售平庸甚至伪劣产品——不代表先进生产力的发展要求:假冒他人商标和品名,用虚假广告欺骗或误导消费者——不代表先进文化发展方向:从消费者身上大把大把捞取不义之财,并对消费者的身心造成损害——不代表广大消费者的利益。 A survey of Fortune 500 companies shows that the key to excellence in these companies is their outstanding corporate culture. Excellent corporate culture should be customer-focused, treat employees equally, balance the interests of stakeholders, promote teamwork and encourage innovation. To put it another way, we must have strong R & D capability, advanced technology, and excellent quality. All aspects from R & D, production to sales and the products themselves meet the requirements of environmental protection. To be honest: to be people-oriented, to put the interests of users In the first place. To the enterprise, this is the foundation of the enterprise, the basis of competition and the source of strength. However, at present, some enterprises still have a big gap in this area. Their typical performance is not paying much attention to ethics. Analysis of the Unreasonable Morality According to the Requirements of the “Three Represents,” is to Produce or Sell Mediocrity or Even Fake and Disadvantaged Products - Does Not Represent the Development Requirement of Advanced Productive Forces: Counterfeiting Others' Trademarks and Names, Falsely Advertising or Misleading Consumers with False Advertising - Does Not Represent The direction of the development of advanced culture: a lot from the consumer who fished a lot of ill-gotten gains, and the consumer's physical and mental damage - does not represent the interests of consumers.
Teaching of writing in senior high schools in Chinais not quite satisfactory as seen in the exam-oriented.
企业文化的理论本质特征是倡导以人为中心的人本管理哲学,反对“见物不见人”的理性主义管理思想。 The essence of the theoretical essence of corporate culture is to a
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1994年我国实行了新税制,这次税制改革是国家发展社会主义市场经济的重大举措,其意义十分深远。 税收是国家财政收入的重要支柱,是企业会计核算的重要组成部分;税收与设备管