
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:elongyu999
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Purpose To evaluate patients with lacrimal dysgenesis. Design Retrospective, n onrandomized, comparative case series. Participants Fifty patients with lacrimal dysgenesismanaged between 1992 and 2003. Testing/intervention The diagnosis of lacrimal outflow dysgenesis was made based on the following criteria: absent or hypoplastic punctum, canaliculus, lacrimal sac, and nasolacrimal duct, appearing in isolation or combination. Our management algorithmincluded observation, punc toplasty with intubation, or open lacrimal surgery, with or without intubation. Main outcome measure Success, partial success, or failure of treatment. Results Lacrimal dysgenesis in our 50 patients (23 male and 27 female) involved 83 eyes, distributed as follows: proximal in 74 eyes (89%), distal in 27 (33%), and bo th in 18 (22%). Thirty (60%) patients presented with isolated lacrimal dysgene sis, and 20 (40%) presented with a systemic syndrome or dysmorphism. Thirty th ree (66%) patients had bilateral involvement. Epiphora was the most common pres enting symptom. Eighteen (36%) patients had a positive family history. Open lac rimal surgery was performed in a total of 29 (35%) of the 83 eyes: 25 had succe ss, 3 had partial success, and 1 had failure. Conclusion Both sporadic and hered itary forms of lacrimal outflow dysgenesis may present as an isolated finding or a part of a systemic syndrome or dysmorphism, occurring usually with bilateral involvement and presenting at a younger age in the setting of systemic anomalies . Proximal and distal lacrimal outflow systems may be involved with epiphora as the most common presenting symptom. The algorithm we have presented provides a s ystematic approach to the management of lacrimal outflow dysgenesis. Purpose To evaluate patients with lacrimal dysgenesis. Design Retrospective, n onrandomized, comparative case series. Participants Fifty patients with lacrimal dysgenesismanaged between 1992 and 2003. Testing / intervention The diagnosis of lacrimal outflow dysgenesis was made based on the following criteria: absent or hypoplastic punctum , canaliculus, lacrimal sac, and nasolacrimal duct, appearing in isolation or combination. Our management algorithmincluded observation, punc toplasty with intubation, or open lacrimal surgery, with or without intubation. Main outcome measure Success, partial success, or failure of treatment. The involvement of 83 eyes, distributed as follows: proximal in 74 eyes (89%), distal in 27 (33%), and bo th in 18 (22% 60%) patients presented with isolated lacrimal dysgene sis, and 20 (40%) presented with a systemic syndrome or dysmorphism. Thirty th ree (66%) patients had bilateral involvemen Epiphora was the most common pres enting symptom. Eighteen (36%) patients had a positive family history. Open lac rimal surgery was performed in a total of 29 (35%) of the 83 eyes: 25 had succe ss, 3 had Conclusion Both sporadic and hered itary forms of lacrimal outflow dysgenesis may present as isolated finding or a part of a systemic syndrome or dysmorphism, occurring usually with bilateral involvement and presenting at a younger age in the setting of systemic anomalies. Proximal and distal lacrimal outflow systems may be involved with epiphora as the most common presenting symptom. The algorithm we have submitted provides as ystematic approach to the management of lacrimal outflow dysgenesis.
在近年来的高考试题中,经常会出现以e~x与ln x为背景的题目,常见的方法有直接构造函数或者分离参数法。若能利用分离函数法将相关题目分离成两个常见函数去研究,就会给我们的
(本刊讯):2009年12月中旬,秦腔数字电影《铡美案》《十五贯》首映式暨新闻发布会在陕西省图书馆隆重举行。陕西省委宣传部、陕西省文化厅、陕西省新闻出版局、陕西省广播电影电视局等有关部门负责人出席了发布会。国家广电总局电影局、文化部文化产业司等上级主管部门及中影新农村数字电影放映有限责任公司发来贺信。陕西省文化厅常树华处长主持了发布会。  前来报道本次活动的媒体有:新华社陕西分社、陕西电视台新闻中
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