勇闯新路的敬业团队 ——记江铃“袁政海班组”

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在江铃汽车集团,袁政海班组的名字如雷贯耳。江铃从1983年引进日本五十铃轻卡技术起家后,坚持走自主创新的发展之路,现已成为中国汽车行业重点骨干企业、中国500强企业和国家汽车整车出口基地企业。24年的自主创新历程,留下了江铃人坚实的足迹和不屈的背影,江铃模具厂袁政海班组就是其中的一个杰出典范。 In JMCG, Yuan Zhenghai team name thunderstood. After its introduction of the Japanese Isuzu light truck technology in 1983, Jiangling insisted on the road of independent innovation. Now it has become a key backbone enterprise in China’s automobile industry, a top 500 Chinese enterprise and a national automobile export base enterprise. 24-year history of independent innovation, leaving a solid footprints of Jiangling people and unyielding back, Jiangling Mold Factory Yuan Chenghai team is one of the outstanding model.
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