Study of asphaltene dispersion and removal for high-asphaltene oil wells

来源 :Petroleum Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:q_yong
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Many wellbores are blocked by asphaltene deposits,which lead to production problems in the oilfield development process.In this paper,methods such as elemental analysis,and solvent extraction are adopted for the study of wellbore blockages.The content of organic matter in blockages is higher than 96% and asphaltene is the main component of the organic matter with n-heptane asphaltene content of 38%.Based on the above analyses,an agent for asphaltene dispersion and removal(named as SDJ) was developed.The performance of the SDJ agent was evaluated,and it was found that the dissolution rate of asphaltene can reach 2.9 mg.mL-1.min-1 at 60 oC.SDJ agent(1wt%) was added to crude oil with a colloid instability index greater than 0.9 can effectively inhibit asphaltene deposition in the wellbore.By the viscosity method,the dissolution amount of SDJ agent was calculated,and it was found that when the viscosity of the system is around 2,000 mPa.s(the common viscosity of crude oil),the amount of SDJ agent added to the blockage was at least 96 g per 100 g blockages.Therefore,SDJ agent has promising application for dispersion and removal of asphaltene deposition in high-asphaltene wells. Many wellbores are blocked by asphaltene deposits, which lead to production problems in the oilfield development process. This paper, methods such as elemental analysis, and solvent extraction are adopted for the study of wellbore blocks. The content of organic matter in blockages is higher than 96% and asphaltene is the main component of the organic matter with n-heptane asphaltene content of 38%. Based on the above analyzes, an agent for asphaltene dispersion and removal (named as SDJ) was developed. The performance of the SDJ agent was evaluated, and it was found that the dissolution rate of asphaltene can reach 2.9 mg.mL-1 .min-1 at 60 oC. SDJ agent (1 wt%) was added to crude oil with a colloid instability index greater than 0.9 inhibit asphaltene deposition in the wellbore.By the viscosity method, the dissolution amount of SDJ agent was calculated, and it was found that when the viscosity of the system is around 2,000 mPa.s (the common viscosity of crude oil), the amount of SD J agent added to the blockage was at least 96 g per 100 g blockages.Therefore, SDJ agent has promising application for dispersion and removal of asphaltene deposition in high-asphaltene wells.
一、多语种综合部分1.语言学《语言共性论》评介 /韩景泉 //外语教学与研究 .-2 0 0 1( 2 ) .-14 7-14 9不当交际工具使用的语言 :西方语言哲学研究 (之二 ) /钱冠连 //外语
A catalytic system comprising mesoporous silica functionalized with Cu(II)-DiAmSar was synthesized. This was demonstrated as an efficient heterogeneous catalyst
我院自 1999年 9月~ 2 0 0 1年 6月共收治或收住妊娠期尖锐湿疣 35例 ,30例于孕 38周前发现 ,应用激光进行治疗 ,取得满意疗效 ,现报告如下。资料与方法 年龄 18~ 32岁 (平均
胎盘早剥是产科严重的并发症,诊断及处理是否及时直接关系到母婴生命安全。1985年1月至2001年12月,我院产科共发生胎盘早剥8例,现进行回顾性分析。 资料与方法:本组孕妇年龄
病例 患 ,女 ,2 1岁 ,未婚 ,农民 ,G1Po ,于 1999年 5月因 4 + 月妊娠要求引产。查体一般情况好 ,BP13/ 9KPa ,心肺正常 ,肝脾未触及 ,妇科检查 ,外阴、阴道正常 ,宫颈光滑 ,质韧 ,