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在汩罗市档案局局长胡志忠的办公桌玻璃板下压着一张图:一头健壮的牛,低着头拱着肩,拉着犁奋力向前走着。这是主人的自我写照。胡志忠在档案园地工作28个春秋,先后26次被评为省、市、县先进工作者、模范干部、优秀党员。去年8月他又被评为全国档案系统劳动模范,首次来北京出席了全国档案系统表彰先进个人和先进集体大会,受到国务院总理李鹏同志的亲切接见。胡志忠常说,共产党员干工作不能图报酬,要有老黄牛的吃苦精神。1966年3月,他调到汩罗市档案馆工作。当时馆里只有他一个人。他到馆的头一件事,就是广泛收集资料,丰富馆藏。汩罗是革命老区,为了收集革命历史资料,他爬山涉水,深入到山高林密的兰家 A picture was stamped under the glass on the desk of the Citizens’ Archives Office in Miluo: A sturdy cow, with his head bowed over his shoulders, piled up and struggled forward. This is the owner’s self-portrait. Hu Zhizhong 28 years of work in the file park, has 26 times been rated as provincial, city and county advanced workers, model cadres, outstanding party members. In August last year, he was again rated as a model worker in the national archival system. For the first time, he came to Beijing for the first time to attend the national archives system in recognition of advanced individual and advanced collectives and was cordially received by Comrade Li Peng, premier of the State Council. Hu Zhizhong often said that party members can not work out the remuneration plan and have the hard-working spirit of the old ox. In March 1966, he transferred to the Milo City Archives. At that time he was the only one in the library. The first thing he went to the pavilion was to extensively collect information and enrich the collection. Miluo is the old revolutionary base areas, in order to collect revolutionary historical information, he climbed wading, deep into the forest of Lam Gao Shan
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