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近年来,天津警备区在总部、北京军区和天津市委、市政府的领导下,认真贯彻党中央、国务院、中央军委《关于加强和改进城市民兵工作的意见》,紧密结合天津市民兵工作实际,不断加大城市民兵工作改革力度,着力解决民兵平时建设与战时任务对应不紧的问题,切实把改革的着眼点放在适应作战需求上。在实际改革中,他们坚持把平时建与战时用统一起来,把解决眼前问题与解决长远问题统一起来,把继承优良传统与探索新的参战支前模式统一起来,一切按能打仗的标准建设。经过两年多的努力,该市城市民兵较好地实现了由人力密集型、数量规模型向科技密集型、质量效能型的转变,由遂行城市一般性防卫任务向重点遂行城市防空作战任务的转变,由保障单一军兵种行动向保障诸军兵种联合行动的转变,城市民兵建设取得了跨越式发展。 In recent years, under the leadership of the headquarters, the Beijing Military Region and the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee and Tianjin Municipal Government, the Tianjin Garrison Command conscientiously implemented the “Opinions on Strengthening and Improving the Work of Urban Militias” of the Party Central Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission, closely combining the actual work of the militia in Tianjin, We will continue to intensify efforts in the reform of urban militia work and focus on resolving the issue of the militia’s normal correspondence with wartime tasks and earnestly putting the focus of reform on meeting the needs of combat. In the actual reform, they insisted on unification of peacetime peacetime and wartime issues, unification of settling immediate problems with long-term solution to problems, and unifying the tradition of inheriting fine traditions with the exploration of a new mode of participating in the war. All were standardized according to standards of warfare . After more than two years of hard work, the city’s urban militia successfully realized the transformation from a large-scale manpower and a large number of science and technology to a technology-intensive and quality-oriented type. From the general urban defense mission to the key urban air defense mission In the transitional period, the transition from safeguarding the operations of the unitary arsenal to ensuring the joint operations of the armed forces and the branches of the armed forces has achieved a leapfrog development in the construction of urban militia.
这次热气球在艾菲尔铁塔前升空.是巴黎市为迎接新千年而举行的"2000巴黎航空节活动的一部分 This hot air balloon was launched in front of the Eiffel Tower, part of th
道格拉斯D-558-1试验机机长:10.68米机高:3.7米机重:4422.6公斤翼展:7.62米翼面积:13.9下方米最大速度:1047.5公里/小时动力装置:1台艾利逊J35-A-11涡喷发动机 Douglas D-5
不是把天文台建在高山上,而是将其定格在距地球表面600多公里的太空;只要1-2名劳动力,就能随意搬动11.6吨的庞然大物。这一切是真的吗? Instead of building the observator
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