认真学习江总书记“5.31”重要讲话 认真做好劳动保障工作——省厅党组书记、厅长王克益同志在省厅干部职工大会上的讲话摘要

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江泽民总书记“5.31”重要讲话是对“三个代表”重要思想的进一步丰富和深化,是对建设有中国特色社会主义伟大事业发展规律新的认识和总结,为党的十六大胜利召开奠定了重要的政治、思想和理论基础,对于更好地团结和动员全党为实现历史和时代赋予我们党的庄严使命而奋斗,具有十分重要的指导意义。(一)要认真把握“5.31”重要讲话的主要内容和特点“5.31”重要讲话的主要内容和特点,归纳起来主要有以下三点:1.确定了我们党在当前和今后一个时期的历史任务。在“5.31”重要讲话中,江泽民总书记突出地分析了“新世纪”的国际局势,分析了“新阶段”全面建设小康社会的历史特点和时代要求,由此而提出了要开创“新局面”的历史任务。2.回答了开创建设有中国特色社会主义新局面的一系列重大思想理论和实际问题。“5.31”重要讲话提出的一系列重大理论问题和重要观点,有的是第一次提出的;有的是这两年逐 General Secretary Jiang Zemin 's important speech on “5.31 ” is a further enrichment and deepening of the important thinking on “three represents,” a new understanding and conclusion on the law of developing the great cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, The convening of a grand victory laid an important foundation for politics, ideology and theory and is of great guiding significance for better uniting and mobilizing the entire party in order to realize the solemn mission entrusted to our party by history and the times. 1. Main Content and Characteristics of “5.31” Important Speeches The main contents and features of the important speech “5.31” mainly sum up the following three points: 1. Determined that our party, at present and in the future Historical mission of the period. In his important speech “5.31”, General Secretary Jiang Zemin analyzed the international situation in “New Century ” prominently and analyzed the historical features and requirements of the times of “building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way ” in “new stage ” To create a “new situation ” historical mission. 2. Answering a series of major ideological and theoretical questions and practical questions of starting a new situation of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Some important theoretical issues and important points raised in the keynote address of “5.31 ” were made some time ago; some were raised in the past two years
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大多数妖怪似乎都想吃唐僧肉,但有一个奇怪现象令人深思,就是他们即使捉到唐僧,也不会立即吃掉,理由是希望先抓住孙悟空再吃。妖王们对手下小妖的解释是,吃唐僧肉很简单,只是怕他徒弟们来吵闹,尤其是孙悟空。  这里面就有一个悖论:只要他们怕孙悟空来吵闹,就永远吃不到唐僧肉。  孙悟空大闹天宫的消息被风传了五百年,几乎没有一个妖怪不知道。那妖怪们也一定知道,孙悟空偷蟠桃、盗御酒、窃仙丹的传奇故事。太上老君对
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