依托教材 强化语用能力训练

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近年来的高考试题有两点值得注意:一是强化了语文学科的工具性和“大语文”观念,愈来愈注重语用能力的考查,即创设一定的语境,在动态中考查遣词用语、把握语脉、理解句意、选择句式等语言实际运用能力的试题明显增多;二是命题材料趋于与教材全面脱钩。这意味着高考指挥棒确实发挥了正确的导向作用。 吕叔湘先生指出:“语文教学的首要任务就是培养学生各方面的语感能力。”他在致现代汉语语法研讨会的贺信中还说道:“……语言毕竟只在使用中存在,这方面的研究似乎更联系实际。”可是,长期以来,我们的语文教学却忽视了语言实际运用能力的训练与培养;如果说有些语言教学的因素,也只是讲些静态语言知识,结果使语文这门具有鲜明工具性、人文性的学科失去其本来面目,没有发挥其应有的作用,学生上了十多年语文课,读写听说能力却差得惊人。 In recent years, there are two points worth mentioning in the high test questions: First, the instrumentality of the Chinese language discipline and the concept of “big language” have been intensified, and more and more attention has been paid to the examination of pragmatic competence, that is, creating a certain context and checking the words used in the dynamics. There is a noticeable increase in the number of questions in the actual use of language, such as grasping language, understanding sentence meanings, and selecting sentence patterns; second, propositional materials tend to be fully decoupled from textbooks. This means that the college entrance examination baton has indeed played a correct guiding role. Mr. Lü Shuxiang pointed out: “The primary task of language teaching is to cultivate students’ language competence in all aspects.” He also said in his congratulatory message to the Modern Chinese Grammar Symposium: "... Languages ​​only exist in use after all, and this research seems to It is more related to reality.” However, for a long time, our language teaching has neglected the training and cultivation of language practical ability; if we talk about some language teaching factors, we only talk about static language knowledge, and as a result, language is a tool with distinct tools. Sexual and humanistic disciplines have lost their true colors and have not played their due role. Students have spent more than a decade on language classes and the ability to read, write and speak is surprisingly poor.
自上世纪90年代中期,受美国交通部(DOC)联邦铁路管理局(FRA)委托,美国交通部研究与创新技术管理局(RITA)John A.Volpe国家交通系统研究中心,对精确列车控制(PTC)和智能交通系