Orientation of LDPE Crystals from Microscale to Nanoscale via Microlayer or Nanolayer Coextrusion

来源 :Chinese Journal of Polymer Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ialyialyialy
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The microlayer or nanolayer coextrusion of hundreds or thousands of alternating low density polyethylene(LDPE)/polystyrene(PS) microlayers or nanolayers were used to study the orientation of LDPE crystals in the confined quasi-two-dimensional or two-dimensional space. The clear and continuous layer structures from microscale to nanoscale can be found in SEM images. The morphology evolution of LDPE crystals in the confined microlayer or nanolayer can be varied from 3D spherulites, 2D spherulites, stacked edge-on lamellar, to single edge-on lamellar. Due to the orientation of the LDPE crystals, the tensile strength of the films increases obviously when the layer thickness reduces to nanoscale. The 2D small angle X-ray scattering(SAXS) patterns can reflect the average degree of orientation of LDPE in the confined layers. The stacking of LDPE lamellae is suppressed in interlamination and oppositely in parallel to the extrusion direction. The specific orientation function f can be calculated from the patterns. The infrared dichroism further confirms the mutation of the orientation of LDPE crystals from microscale to nanoscale in the confined space. The microlayer or nanolayer coextrusion of hundreds or thousands of alternating low density polyethylene (LDPE) / polystyrene (PS) microlayers or nanolayers were used to study the orientation of LDPE crystals in the confined quasi-two-dimensional or two-dimensional space. The clear and continuous layer structures from microscale to nanoscale can be found in SEM images. The morphology evolution of LDPE crystals in the confined microlayer or nanolayer can be varied from 3D spherulites, 2D spherulites, stacked edge-on lamellar, to single edge-on lamellar. Due to the orientation of the LDPE crystals, the tensile strength of the films increases obviously when the layer thickness reduces to nanoscale. The 2D small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) patterns can reflect the average degree of orientation of LDPE in the confined layers . The stacking of LDPE lamellae is suppressed in interlamination and oppositely in parallel to the extrusion direction. The specific orientation function f can be calculate d from the patterns. The infrared dichroism further confirms the mutation of the orientation of LDPE crystals from microscale to nanoscale in the confined space.
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