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1981年10月英国伦敦卢顿机场改建时,为改善原有机场地坪的性能,首次采用混凝土路面砖铺设停机坪。最初的试验区域包含两块9m×2m的矩形停机坪区域,位于飞机起落架下方;采用100mm×200mm、厚度80mm矩形路面砖来替换已受损的沥青面层。然后在卢顿机场广泛使用了混凝土路面砖。现在,全世界在机场铺设混凝土路面砖的地坪面积大约150万平方米。混凝土路面砖路面层,主要依赖砖缝之间的砂子提供“连锁”效应,达到路面稳定的作用。为了进一步优化路面砖路面的结构稳定性,并克服现有路面砖路面结构系统存在的一些问题,我们开发创新了一种新块型,使路面砖铺设使用过程中,除传统的填缝砂提供摩擦力产生连锁效应外,还使块与块之间产生机械咬合连锁。本文将详细叙述这种借助每块砖上的榫舌和凹槽,产生的机械咬合连锁作用。文章总体探讨这种路面砖在民用、军用机场地坪上的适用性,特别提及在孟加拉国齐亚国际机场的使用情况,这是一个机场地坪修复和扩建项目。曾在1984年召开的国际混凝土路面砖大会上,对榫槽咬合连锁路面砖路面结构与G型路面砖(英文:G-Block)路面进行过比较,结论是这种连锁方式对路面结构在垂直方向的连锁性能有改善作用。 October 1981 Luton Airport, London, United Kingdom reconstruction, in order to improve the performance of the original airport floor, the first use of concrete pavers laying apron. The initial test area consisted of two 9m x 2m rectangular apron areas under the landing gear of the aircraft; a 100mm x 200mm, 80mm thick rectangular pavement brick was used to replace the damaged asphalt surface. Then concrete pavers were widely used at Luton airport. At present, there are approximately 1.5 million square meters of floor space for paving concrete pavers throughout the world. Concrete pavement pavement layer, mainly rely on the sand between the brick joints to provide “chain ” effect, to achieve the role of road stability. In order to further optimize the structural stability of pavement bricks and to overcome some existing problems in pavement pavement structure, we have developed and innovated a new type of block so that pavement slabs can be used in addition to the conventional caulking sand Friction has a chain effect, but also to block the block between the mechanical occlusion. This article describes in detail the mechanical interlocking effect created by the tongue and groove on each brick. The paper discusses in general the suitability of such paving slabs on civil and military airport floors, with particular reference to the use of the Zia International Airport in Bangladesh, an airport restoration and expansion project. At the 1984 International Concrete Pavement Conference, the comparison of pavement structures with G-Pavement between brick and mortise interlocking pavement bricks was concluded that this kind of interlocking method has a great influence on the pavement structure vertical The direction of the chain can improve the performance.
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目的:建立UPLC-MS/MS法测定妇科调经片中芍药苷、阿魏酸和延胡索乙素的含量.方法:采用BEH C18色谱柱(2.1mm×150rmm,1.7μm),以乙腈-0.05%甲酸铵的0.1%甲酸溶液为流动相进行梯