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后殖民理论,作为一种对西方“俯看”东方时自视优越的文化霸权心态的批判话语,其价值并不在于它指出谁对谁实施了“文化霸权”或这种“温情的殖民侵略”是如何实现的,而在于它在当代世界各种文化间交流与对抗、中心与边缘的众声喧哗场景中,展开了一个新的理论视角,其中心思想,是把文化交流过程中的“学科行为”,从认识论的角度剖析它的历史作为和意识形态功能。比如,在这种理论的构架中,人们已经不可能只是简单地去谈论当代西方艺术观念对中国艺术的影响,或中国当代艺术家对西方标准的趋同或对抗心态,却不去深究在这种分析议论过程中所使用的概念、方法里所包含的知识前提:问题论说的语境、所用知识的历史性和临时性、以及人们在知识和权力之间遭遇的复杂关系。因而,后殖民理论发挥效力最大的领域是学术交流史,用当今流行的说 The value of postcolonial theory as a critical discourse on the mentality of cultural supremacy in the West that “looks down” upon the East is not that it states whoever implements “cultural hegemony” or “warm colonial aggression” But rather lies in that it opens up a new theoretical perspective in the noisy scene of exchanges and confrontations among all kinds of cultures in the contemporary world and at the center and in the periphery. Its central idea is to integrate the “discipline” in the process of cultural exchange Behavior ", from the epistemological point of view of its history as a and ideological function. For example, in the framework of this theory, people can no longer simply talk about the impact of contemporary Western art concepts on Chinese art, or the convergence or confrontation of Chinese contemporary artists with western standards, but do not go deep into this analysis The conceptions used in the discussion, the preconditions contained in the method: the context of the problem argument, the historical and ad hoc nature of the knowledge used, and the complex relationships that people encounter between knowledge and power. Therefore, the post-colonial theory to play the most effective area is the history of academic exchanges, with today’s popular
年近四十,结婚十多年,孩子十几岁;婚姻之船驶过激流汹涌暗礁险滩,开始进入水域开阔、水势平静的区域。 Nearly forty years old, more than ten years of marriage, childr
目的 探讨经股骨颈开窗病灶清除β-磷酸钙人工骨打压植骨治疗早中期股骨头无菌性坏死的临床分析.方法 选取2018年12月~2020年6月采取经股骨颈开窗病灶清除β-磷酸钙人工骨打压
目的:探讨胸苷酸合酶(thymidylate synthase,TS)基因5’-端非编码区(5’-untranslation region,5’-UTR)变数串联重复(variable number of tandem repeat,VNTR)多态性与培美
小儿多动症除与遗传因素、教育因素等有关外,近来发现,与饮食中所含氨基酸多少也有关。科学家指出,糖摄入过多会引起内分泌系统功能紊乱, In addition to children with AD