
来源 :安徽史学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:show_me_the_money
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《独立评论》创办于 1932年 5月,停刊于1937年 7月。九一八事变后,对日外交成为中国的当务之急,胡适等受过欧美教育的职业知识分子,为推进中国现代化进程,试图以实验主义哲学处理中日间的冲突问题。他们在其创办的《独立评论》上发表了大量文章,主张对日进行积极又不失主权原则的外交。这既有别于当时患得患失无所作为的政府,也有别于那些“宁为玉碎,毋为瓦全”的不妥协派。《独立评论》的抗日主张,作为北方学人的一种声音,引起当局及欧美和日本等国的重视,产生了一定的社会影响。 The Independent Review was founded in May 1932 and ceased to be published in July 1937. After the September 18th Incident, diplomatic imperialism became Japan’s top priority. Hu Shi and other professional intellectuals educated by Europe and the United States tried to handle the issue of Sino-Japanese conflicts with the philosophy of experimentalism in advancing the process of China’s modernization. They published a large number of articles in the founding Independent Review, arguing that they must hold diplomatic diplomatic activities toward Japan active and without losing the principle of sovereignty. This is different from the government that has suffered and suffered nothing at the time, as well as the non-compromiseists who “prefer to use jade instead of nothing.” The anti-Japanese opinion of “Independent Review”, as a voice of scholars in the north, has drawn great attention from the authorities, countries such as Europe, the United States and Japan, and has had some social influence.