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选修课程的多样化为学生的学习提供了丰富的内容。地方教育管理部门和学校应在课程整体规划上对选修课程实施方案进行必要的调整,强化地方选修课程实施方案与学校选修课程实施方案的内在关联;加强地方选修课程实施的调控,认真总结教师培训工作的经验与教训,及时调整教师培训的实施方案;进一步加强对选修课程教材选用的指导和选修课程教材实施的调控;认真研究高中选修课程经验的普适性,提高选修课程管理的有效性。从高中新课程实施的实际问题出发,合理地规划选修课程、有效地调控选修课程、科学地管理选修课程是十分必要的。 The diversity of electives provides a rich content for student learning. Local educational administrations and schools should make the necessary adjustments to the implementation plan of the elective curriculum in the overall planning of the curriculum, strengthen the inherent connection between the implementation plan of the elective curriculum in the local elective curriculum and the implementation plan of the elective curriculum in the school, strengthen the regulation and control over the implementation of the elective curriculum in local governments, and conscientiously sum up teacher training Work experience and lessons, timely adjustment of the implementation of teacher training program; to further strengthen the selection of elective courses guidance and elective course materials implementation of the regulation; careful study elective courses in high school universal experience and improve elective course management effectiveness. Starting from the actual problems of the implementation of the new curriculum in high school, it is very necessary to rationally plan the elective courses, control the elective courses effectively and manage the elective courses scientifically.
I′m a middle school student.My name is Li Mengyao.I love reading,listening to music and playing badminton.Of all my subjects,I like English best.I want to be a
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对比,又叫“对照”。指的是把两种相反、相对的事物,或者同一事物相反、相对的两个方面,放在一起比较,突显事物特征。运用对比,可以使两个相反或者相对的事物的矛盾表现 Con
他叫吕克·贝松,法国人。   那一年父母带他去摩洛哥度假,晚饭后沙漠上开来一辆拖拉机,有一条白色带暗花的床单又被横空扯起来,用两根树干状的东西支在了沙漠上。忽然,白色床单上竟然出现了人影与音乐,他顺着一束有很多飞虫在跳舞的光望过去,发现它们来自拖拉机里一台神秘的仪器。  “那是放映机”,妈妈说,“我们看的是电影。”  他安静下来,仰着头看电影,那是一部喜剧片,但他并不觉得怎么好笑。看到一半的时候,
本文较详尽地论述了科学定律的涵义、本性和产生过程。最后探讨了这样一个问题:科学定律是自然界固有的,还是人创造的? This article discusses in more detail the meaning
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明朝有个李流芳,是诗人和书画家,诗书画印,样样精绝。我知道李流芳,是读过他的几篇小品文章,其笔下真是潇洒可爱,如题画的《横塘》:“去胥门九里,有村日横塘,山夷水旷,溪桥映带村落间,颇不乏致。予每过此,觉城市渐远,湖山可亲,意思豁然,风日亦为清朗。即同游者未喻此乐也。”我家书架上的《历代小品大观》《明人小品选》《历代小品文观止》,就都收录了李流芳的作品,可见他的文字之好也是得到公认的。  李流芳其才