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“时光荏苒,白驹过隙。弹指一挥间,《中国高新区》杂志已经整整走过了十五个年头。十五年的陪伴与成长,让我们在不断的感恩中,坚守初心,砥砺前行。”伴随着秋日和煦的暖阳,中国高新区杂志社社长项耀汉这段充满激情的开场白,9月1日,本刊第十五届通联工作会议暨创刊十五周年座谈会,在美丽的稀土之都、草原钢城——包头稀土国际大酒店多功能厅拉开了序幕。九月包头,天高云淡,万物丰茂,如诗如画。国家科技部火炬中心副主任安道昌、宣培处副处长张敏,包头稀土高新区党工委书记韩建民,国家高新区发展战略研究会秘书长宋捷,西南财经大学教 “Time flies, white foils .Finger, the” China High-tech Zone “magazine has gone through fifteen years .Companion and growth of fifteen years, let us in constant gratitude, stick to the beginning of heart, to tease forward . ”With the warm autumn sun warm, China Hi-tech Zone magazine chief Yao Xiang this passionate opening remarks, September 1, Articles fifteenth work conference and start publication fifteenth anniversary seminar , In the beautiful capital of rare earth, Prairie Steel City - Baotou Rare Earth International Hotel multi-purpose hall kicked off. September Baotou, sky clear, everything lush, picturesque. Deputy Director of National Torch Center of Ministry of Science and Technology An Daochang, Deputy Director of Xuan Pei Zhang Min, Party Secretary Han Jianmin of Baotou Rare Earth High-tech Zone, Song Jie, Secretary-General of Development Strategy Research Institute of National High-tech Zone, Southwest University of Finance and Economics
Research suggests that the prevalence of marijuana use and depression are increasing in the United States. Although it is not entirely clear what accounts for t
源头 在恩施七姊妹山的酉水河 高高的火烧堡 是你的娘家 你是嫁给武陵山区的 一位清纯朴实的土家妹子 略带几份羞涩和灵秀 你的嫁妆 就是古朴的摆手舞 和悠扬的木叶情歌
One in four children under 5 years of age in the developing world are stunted (chronically malnourished). Reducing stunting can be a challenge, especially in po
Aims and Objectives: This study focused on the predictive effects of physical inactivity, body shape, and tobacco use on heart disease patients. Background: Hea
中国语文报刊协会贺信    《中学语文》《学语文报》社:  在洋溢着希望和收获的金秋时节,欣闻你们在武汉召开“语文教育新视野名师演示报告会”,我们感到十分的高兴。在此之际,我们谨代表中国语文报刊协会向大会的顺利召开表示热烈的祝贺!向与会代表致以最诚挚的问候!  《中学语文》《学语文报》社是国内创办较早、影响较大的语文专业报刊社之一,在推动语文教改、提高中学师生语文素养以及传播先进的语文教育思想等方
Human 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (17β-HSD1) catalyzes the biosynthesis of the most potent natural estrogen 17β-estradiol (E2) from estrone (E1)
Background: Oxidative stress plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis and progression of many diseases, including cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes mell