Xu Ningning: Business with ASEAN Easy to Learn

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It is reasonable to believe that with three major advantageous elements including God's Will, Favorable Geographical Position and Support of People efficiently utilized, the economic and trade relations between the two sides will be developed greatly.
<正>Circular on Several Issues concerning Tax Policy for Supporting the Development of Cultural Enterprises applied to all cultural enterprises and unless expli
Recently, the relevant statistics issued by China Association of Auto Industry has given us a satisfactory answer. In 2003,Chinese auto industry made an outstan
【正】 田汉同志被万恶的林彪、“四人帮”迫害致死,我们为文艺界丧失了一位革命的先驱战士而同声悲痛。这决不是一时的感情激动,也不是仅仅写一二篇纪念性的诗文便可交代过
"One of the main things we&#39;ve done is we have conducted a joint study into the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between China and Australia. That study looked at
【正】 京剧《杜鹃山》演出后,有人搞了个《〈杜鹃山〉创作排练经验介绍》(以下简称《介绍》),其中有一条是关于台词的,叫做“《杜》剧念白的新体制——韵白”。《介绍》上说
【正】 《福建戏剧》85年第5期在这个题目下简要介绍了西方现代派戏剧的六个主要流派,它们是: 1.后期象征主义——比利时的英&#183;梅特林克、德国的盖&#183;霍普特曼和英国
【正】 肯尼思&#183;里(KENNETH REA)是伦敦音乐戏剧学校的导演兼形体教师。1984年夏天他受英国政府的派遣,与英国皇家莎士比亚剧院的声音台词指导西塞莉&#183;贝丽(CICELY B