Evaluation of Cuban Bacillus thuringiensis(Berliner,1911)(Bacillales:Bacillacea)isolates with larvic

来源 :亚太热带医药杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:PresentScore
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Objective:To evaluate 11 Cuban native Bacillus(B.)thuringiensis isolates in order to select one with the best larvicidal activity against Aedes(Ae.)aegypti and low cytotoxicity.Methods:The cry and cyt genes of the isolates(A21,A51,L95,L910,M29,R84,R85,R87,R89,U81 and X48)were amplified by PCR.The influence of organic matter and NaCl on the larvicidal activity was tested by bioassays.Cytotoxicity was assayed on peritoneal macrophages of BALB/c mice.Results:The cyt1(Aa,Ab,Ba),cyt2,cry4aA,cry4Ba,cry 11(Aa,Ba,Bb)and cry 10 genes were identified in all native Cuban isolates.The larvicidal activity(LC90)of seven isolates was affected by the presence of organic matter in the water,while A21,A51,L910,R84,U81 and X48 had better LC50,LC90,LC95 than the 266/2 9-Ⅶ-98 control strain.The LC50 of two isolates was affected by the presence of NaCl and A21,A51,R85 isolate had better larvicidal activity than the 266/2 9-Ⅶ-98 control strain.In terms of toxicity against macrophages,the extracts of nine isolates were less cytotoxic than the control strains.Conclusions:Native isolate A21 had the main virulence factors against Ae.aegypti larvae,displayed a good larvicidal activity in presence of different factors related with Ae.aegypti breeding sites,and had low citotoxicity against macrophages.These results can contribute to the improvement of existing biological control strategies and the development of new biolarvicides.
我国杰出的营养学家、《营养学报》名誉主编顾景范教授,于2022年2月22日仙逝,享年95岁.顾景范教授的辞世,使我们深感悲痛!他的去世是我国营养学界的巨大损失.rn顾景范教授1927年出生于江苏无锡,1944年考入上海圣约翰大学医预系,1948年自燕京大学毕业, 1952年又毕业于北平协和医学院.曾任军事医学科学院卫生学环境医学研究所所长、全军营养与食品卫生检验研究中心主任、总后勤部卫生部医学科技委员会委员及军队卫生专业组组长.
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