Refolding of reduced/denatured bovine pancreatic insulin with ion-exchange chromatography coupled wi

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kid0226
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The refolding of the reduced/denatured insulin from bovine pancreas as the model protein was investigated with weak anion exchange chromatography(WAX) coupled with MALDI-TOF MS.The results indicated that the disulfide bonds almost cannot be formed correctly with the common mobile phase by WAX.However,with the urea gradient elution and in the presence of GSSG/ Cyst as the ratio 1:6 in the mobile phase employed,the disulfide exchange of reduced/denatured insulin can be accelerated resulting in forming the correct three disulfide bonds.The protein refolding efficiency of reduced/denatured insulin can be increased from 3% to 34%.The effects of urea gradient and the oxidant and reductant groups,such as GSSG/GSH,Cyst,and GSSG/Cyst,on the forming the disulfide bonds of reduced/denatured insulin were investigated in detail.The results were further tested by the separation of the WAX fraction of reduced/denatured insulin with RPLC and MALDI-TOF MS. The refolding of the reduced / denatured insulin from bovine pancreas as the model protein was investigated with weak anion exchange chromatography (WAX) coupled with MALDI-TOF MS. The results indicated that the disulfide bonds almost can not be formed correctly with the common mobile phase by WAX. Still, with the urea gradient elution and in the presence of GSSG / Cyst as the ratio 1: 6 in the mobile phase employed, the disulfide exchange of reduced / denatured insulin can be accelerated resulting in forming the correct three disulfide bonds. The effects of urea gradient and the oxidant and reductant groups, such as GSSG / GSH, Cyst, and GSSG / Cyst, on the forming the disulfide bonds of reduced / denatured insulin were investigated in detail. The results were also tested by the separation of the WAX ​​fraction of reduced / denatured insulin with RPLC and MALDI-TOF MS.
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