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韩国遭受金融风暴的巨大冲击,令世人瞩目。作为我国第六大贸易伙伴和境外投资者,其经济恢复的前景如何,对华贸易与投资将受何种影响,尤为国内经济界关注。大韩贸易振兴公社北京代表处(韩国贸易馆)馆长金弘志先生和大韩商工会议所北 South Korea was hit by the huge impact of the financial turmoil. As China’s sixth largest trading partner and foreign investor, what are the prospects for its economic recovery and the impact on China’s trade and investment, especially in the domestic economy? Mr. Jin Hongzhi, Director of Korean Trade Promotion Agency Beijing Representative Office (Korea Trade Hall) and the North Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry
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France’s Avantec Chemical Industry(Shanghai) Company Limited, locatedin Xinzhuang Industrial Zone,Shanghai, was inaugurated on Decem-ber 21st, 2006.With an ar
【正】 Strontium carbonate is an importantinorganic chemical product mainly usedin the manufacture of magnetic materi-als such as glass shell for picture tubes,
On December 18th, 2006, the Depart-ment of Commerce of USA made apreliminary ruling on the antidump-ing case of PET staple fiber fromChina. The tariff for 3 en
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冬季,本是河北省平山县西柏坡纪念馆参观的淡季,可令笔者不解的是,到这里参观受教育者络绎不铯。 “作为精神财富,人们生活越富裕,对党中央在西柏坡时期的丰功伟绩就越崇尚,