A Visit to the Dentist看牙医

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  Jason是一个喜欢吃糖,却不爱刷牙的小男孩。他把妈妈“少吃糖,多刷牙”的叮嘱当耳旁风。一天,Jason的牙齿突然开始疼痛,他只好去看牙,他的牙到底怎么样了呢?Let’s read the story.
  Jason is a boy who likes sugar.
  “Don’t forget to brush your teeth,” mom often says to him.
  But Jason just brushes his teeth sometimes.
  One day, Jason is having lunch with his family.
  “Ouch!” shouts Jason suddenly(突然地).
  “What’s the matter with you?” asks mom.
  “Ah ... I think I’ve got a toothache,” says Jason painfully(痛苦地).
  So, mom takes Jason to see the dentist.
  “Nice to meet you!I’m Dr. Black,” says the dentist.
  “Open your mouth please,” says the dentist.
  “I am scared,” says Jason.
  “Relax. Let’s see what’s wrong,” says the dentist.
  “Is this the one? Does it hurt?” asks the dentist.
  “Yes. Ouch, that’s it,” Jason is painful.
  Jason’s teeth are bad.
  He has tooth decay(蛀牙).
  “Do you often eat a lot of
  sweets?” asks the dentist.
  “Yes, I can’t control(控制)myself,” says Jason.
  “Do you brush your teeth every day?” asks the dentist.
  “Sometimes I brush, but sometimes I don’t,” says Jason.
  “Boy, teeth are our
  good friends,” says
  the dentist.
  “You should protect (保护)them. remember(记得)to brush your teeth twice every day.”
  Then the dentist cleans Jason’s teeth.
  He also teaches Jason the right way to brush teeth.
  The dentist gives some medicine to Jason.
  “Take one pill a day,” says the dentist.
  “And come to me a week later.”
  Jason is grateful(感激的) to the dentist.
  He chooses a new toothbrush.
  He determines to(下决心) take good care of his friends.
  小朋友们,我是护牙专家小米。每年的9月20日是全国爱牙日(Teeth Care Day)。牙齿(teeth)是我们口腔中重要的组成部分,如何拥有一口健康的牙齿呢?今天我来和大家分享一些护牙方法。
  ● Brush your teeth every morning and every evening. 每天早晚刷牙。
  ● Gargle after meals. 飯后漱口。
  ● Don’t eat too much sweet food. 不要吃太多的甜食。
  ● Don’t eat before sleeping. 睡觉之前不吃东西。
  ● Have your teeth examined half a year. 半年对牙齿做一次检查。
  1. teeth 的单数是tooth
  I lose one tooth, she loses three teeth.
  2. 英语中的俚语 sweet tooth 的意思是“爱吃甜食”。
  She has a sweet tooth. 她酷爱甜食。
小熊夢想成为一名魔法师,他每天努力地练习魔法,但却一点儿也不奏效。小兔子送给小熊一本书Magic Words,小熊也从小松鼠那里借到了一本书Magic Tricks,这两本书能帮助小熊成为魔法师吗?Let’s read the story.  Bear dreams to be a magician(魔术师).  He says bracabralamasa, trickylumos and Re
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Li Wan is my good friend.  She has big eyes and long hair.  She likes reading and dancing.  She is good at them too.  We play and study together at school.  We are good friends.
Round and round the garden,  Like a teddy bear;  One step, two step,  Tickle you under there.  Round and round the grass,  Run the little mouse;  One step, two step,  In his little house.
I have a rabbit.  She’s called Mao Qiu.  She is grey and fat.  She’s like a ball.  She likes eating nuts.  How cute!  I love Mao Qiu very much!
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I go to bed at eight,  So I won’t get up too late.  Because I have a date  With my teacher at eight.  Question: Do you have a date with your teacher?  (天 羽 供 稿)
Can you solve?
亚马逊河是世界上流量最大的河流,部分流域还从没人去过。那里生活着很多奇异的生物,许多都是亚马逊独有的。螃蟹Crab找到了一张寻宝图,现在海底小纵队打算去亚马逊河寻宝。   Octopus: 我们到了,这就是亚马逊河。   Crab:大家快来看,这是什么?   Octopus: 想要别人看什么东西,可以说:“ Look at + 名词”,还可以说:“ Look, this/that is+单数