A model for coupling reservoir inflow and wellbore flow in fishbone wells

来源 :Petroleum Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:slcsg956
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A coupling model is proposed in this paper by using the Green Function and Newman’s product principle, and the solution method is provided here as well. This model can be used to describe the reservoir inflow and wellbore flow for fishbone wells in an unsteady flow or pseudo-steady flow state. A case study indicates that the bottom hole pressure declines quickly in the unsteady flow period which is very short. The pressure drop per unit time remains unchanged under the pseudo-steady flow conditions. The distribution of flow rate along the main wellbore shows a wave shape under the unsteady flow condition, and the flow rate distribution in each branch is similar. The flow rate distribution along the main wellbore is irregular “U” shaped under the pseudo-steady flow condition, and the space-symmetrical branches have the same flow distribution pattern. In the initial production period, the flow rate increases significantly as the length of branches and the angle between branches and the main wellbore increase. As the production continues, the length and angle of branches have only a slight effect on the flow in fishbone wells. A coupling model is proposed in this paper by using the Green Function and Newman’s product principle, and the solution method is provided here as well. This model can be used to describe the reservoir inflow and wellbore flow for fishbone wells in an unsteady flow or pseudo -steady flow state. A case study that that bottom hole pressure declines quickly in the unsteady flow period which is very short. The pressure drop per unit time remains unchanged under the pseudo-steady flow conditions. The distribution of flow rate along the main wellbore shows a wave shape under the unsteady flow condition, and the flow rate distribution in each branch is similar. The flow rate distribution along the main wellbore is irregular “U” shaped under the pseudo-steady flow condition, and the space- symmetrical branches have the same flow distribution pattern. In the initial production period, the flow rate increases significantly as the length of branches and the angle between branches and the As the production continues, the length and angle of branches have only a slight effect on the flow in fishbone wells.
临床资料 1994年10月21日中午12时许,某工厂三名青年男工午饭时饮用自己泡制的中药草乌酒,少者饮15毫升,多者达120毫升。下午2时许,其中两名先后出现恶心呕吐、口舌和四肢麻
检测1130例遗传咨询病例的染色体,发现异常核型157例,占13.9%;染色体异态性;inv(9)(9h)14例,6ph~+1个家系,psu dic 6例,分析讨论其临床意义与遗传效应。临床与核型分析:生育异
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