Imaging of Structure Evolution in Solidifying Al–Bi Immiscible Alloys by Synchrotron Radiography

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:psty2006
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Using synchrotron X-ray imaging technique,the segregation evolution in solidifying Al–10 wt% Bi immiscible alloys was investigated at different cooling rates.Irrespective of the cooling rate,most of the Bi solute appeared at the upper part of the sample after solidification.The reason for this Bi enrichment phenomenon is different for different cooling rates.Besides Marangoni motion,positive segregation,which has rarely been noticed before,can also make Bi solute transfer to the hot top zone.It is also found that,bubbles(or pores) appear in solidifying Al–10 wt% Bi alloys,and the number of bubbles(or pores) increases with the increase of the cooling rate,while the size of the bubbles(or pores) decreases. Using synchrotron X-ray imaging technique, the segregation evolution in solidifying Al-10 wt% Bi immiscible alloys was investigated at different cooling rates. Irrespective of the cooling rate, most of the Bi solute appeared at the upper part of the sample after solidification. The reason for this Bi enrichment phenomenon is different for different cooling rates. .esides Marangoni motion, positive segregation, which has rarely been noticed before, can also make Bi solute transfer to the hot top zone. It is also found that bubbles (or pores ) appear in solidifying Al-10 wt% Bi alloys, and the number of bubbles (or pores) increases with the increase of the cooling rate, while the size of the bubbles (or pores) decreases.
癌因性疲乏(Cancer-related fatigue,CRF)可致身体、情感的痛苦和认知力的减弱,极大地干扰了正常功能.CRF的机制至今尚未明确.CRF的补充与替代医学疗法包括针灸、中药、太极
目的 评价和胃安神方药治疗失眠的临床疗效和安全性.方法 计算机检索CNKI、万方、VIP、CBM、Cochrane Library、Embase和Medline等7个国内外中文和英文数据库,纳入中医和胃安