
来源 :辽宁农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:csincis
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通过对第一代粘虫田間消长的系统調查、田間飼养和大面积普查等研究,証明辽宁省第二代粘虫的直接来源,主要并非为本地第一代粘虫后代的延續。結合标記粘虫回收的线索和对粘虫成虫飞翔力测定的結果,初步認为辽宁省中、南、北部地区內,自5月下旬—6月上旬田間突然出現的大量粘虫成虫,是从外省迁飞而来的;从6月中旬起本地第一代粘虫成虫开始羽化,才有部分本地虫源的成分。 Through systematic investigation on the population growth and development of the first generation Mythimna separata, field breeding and large-area census, the direct source of the second generation armyworm in Liaoning Province is not proved to be the continuation of the offspring of the first generation of local armyworm. Based on the results of the recovery of the markers of Mythimna separata and the determination of the flight force of the adults of Mythimna separata, it is preliminarily believed that a large number of adults of the armyworm in the field in the middle, south and north of Liaoning Province suddenly appeared from late May to early June, Migrating from other provinces; from mid-June onwards, the first generation of adult armyworm worms began to emerge and only part of the ingredients of local insect pests originated.
根据前文所述卵形玻璃喷头的特点及其喷雾的性能,按照室内室外喷雾上的要求,就可以设计不同规格喷雾设备,以满足生物测定的需要。 一、轻便手提喷塔的设计 既然卵形玻璃喷头
近三年来,塔里木河南岸各农场,小麦条锈病发生为害.1959—1960年是大发年,发生面积占播种面积60%以上,严重率20—45% ,1961年刖发生轻微.受害的小麦,千粒重降低,三年来的变化
甜菜黑象(Bothynoderes sp.) 南疆甜菜苗期害虫中的优势种,对甜菜幼苗的为害具有毁灭性.一九五七年,库尔勒首次发现此虫,以后相继发现于焉耆、阿克苏等地.到目前为止,在我
甘薯象虫(Cylas formicarius Fabricius)俗名甘薯小象鼻虫,是我国东南各省的主要害虫之一。在福建有记录发生的达四十六个县市,其中尤以沿海各县市发生普遍,为害严重。甘薯
According to a report in the June 24 issue of Nature Genetics, mutations in a gene named heat-shock transcription factor 4 (HSF4) have been discovered to be re