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社会主义市场经济条件下的供销社,面对激烈的市场竞争,能否在服务“三农”、参与农牧业产业化经营、助农增收中发挥积极的作用,同时壮大自身实力,最终取决于供销社干部职工队伍的整体素质。而干部职工队伍整体素质的提高基础在于教育。实践证明,供销社改革与发展所取得的成就离不开教育。党的十六大报告深刻指出:“教育是发展科学技术和培养人才的基础,在现代化建设中具有先导性全局性作用,必须摆在优先发展的战略地位”。这些总揽全局、前瞻未来的重大战略决策为供销社教育事业的生存与发展提供了全新的环境,提出了全新的要求。直面新形势,分析当前我区供销社系统教育现状,探讨供销社教育改革的新思路具有十分重要的意义。 In the face of fierce market competition, the supply and marketing cooperatives under the condition of socialist market economy can play an active role in serving agriculture, rural areas and farmers, participating in the industrialized management of agriculture and animal husbandry and increasing the incomes of farmers. At the same time, they can strengthen their own strength and ultimately depend on In the supply and marketing cooperatives cadres and staff of the overall quality. The overall quality of cadres and workers ranks to enhance the overall basis of education. Practice has proved that the achievements made by the reform and development of supply and marketing cooperatives can not be separated from education. The report of the 16th CPC National Congress profoundly pointed out: “Education is the basis for developing science and technology and personnel training. It plays a leading and overall role in the modernization drive and must be placed in a strategic position that gives priority to development.” These major strategic decisions that take overall consideration of the overall situation and look forward to the future provide a completely new environment for the survival and development of education undertakings in supply and marketing cooperatives and put forward entirely new requirements. Facing the new situation, it is of great significance to analyze the present situation of the system education of the supply and marketing cooperatives in our district and to explore the new ideas of the educational reform of the supply and marketing cooperatives.
混蛋,你禽兽!分手时,这都是普通级别的控诉,更有甚者,批判人格,侮辱双亲,祖宗八辈都受了牵连,恨不得从坟墓里爬出来看个究竟,一方理智全无,面对即将失去的爱人,恨不能以最恶毒的语言刺穿之。说出狠话的,往往是受伤的一方。  很难想象犯错方会说狠话,当然也有这样的恶霸,明明早已劈腿厌旧,却理直气壮地对对方有诸多指责——你照照镜子看你多邋遢——仿佛当年死追的不是自己,分手也仅仅把对方当做无法甩掉的鼻涕,内
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唯我独尊SELF-INVOLVED Jean Twenge在其书《自我一代》(Generation Me)的后续研究中得出以下结论:当今学生的自恋程度比他们父母二十出头时高30%。这可能导致他们更容易对伴
本标准适用于在回转轴上对矿物油、润滑油、润滑脂起密封作用的内包骨架式橡胶油封(以下简称油封)。 This standard applies to the rotary shaft on the mineral oil, lub
1.  因为不喜欢爱情被安排,相亲那天,她把自己弄得一副狼狈样子。  脸胡乱洗了一把,宽松的毛衣遮盖了她原本窈窕的身形。牛仔裤是大三时候的,已经褪色不说,膝盖上还磨出了洞,是她平日打扫卫生才穿的。然后随意登了双球鞋,就去了。  她是成心要把这场相亲搅黄。  表姐是介绍人,路上,恨不能把她揪到商场重新买身衣服换上。  她不管不顾,一脸不屑的笑。  很俗气的见面地点,公园门口。她两手塞在兜里跟在表姐后