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一、运动后不能马上暴饮有人在劳动或运动后一口气喝了很多冷饮,殊不知,暴吃冷饮极为有害健康。因为人在劳动或运动时,人体内大部分血液流向四肢,使胃肠道的血液暂时减少,若此时暴吃冷饮,可能导至胃肠道血管迅速收缩,血流变慢,造成生理功能失调,影响人体对食物的消化吸收,出现腹痛腹泻等症状,另外,劳动或运动后,人的咽喉部分处于充气状态,若突然遇到冷的刺激,会使咽喉部分机能混乱,引起疼痛和声音嘶哑等局部病状。冰淇淋、冰砖等冷饮中均含牛奶、糖和淀粉等成份,吸收后,需动用体内一定的消化液,而液化液的 First, people can not drink immediately after exercise Some people drink a lot of cold drinks after work or exercise, everyone knows, eating cold drinks is extremely harmful to health. Because people in labor or exercise, the body most of the blood flow to the limbs, the gastrointestinal tract of blood temporarily reduced, if at this time eating cold drink, may lead to rapid contraction of the gastrointestinal tract blood vessels, blood flow slows down, resulting in physiological function Inconsistent, affecting the body’s digestion and absorption of food, abdominal pain and diarrhea and other symptoms, in addition, labor or exercise, the human part of the throat in an inflated state, if suddenly encountered cold stimuli, some of the throat can cause chaos, causing pain and sound Hoarseness and other local conditions. Ice cream, ice cream and other cold drinks contain milk, sugar and starch and other ingredients, after absorption, the need to use the body of a certain amount of digestive juice, and liquefied liquid