吐鲁番 瓜果之乡 丝路重镇

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吐鲁番,位于新疆天山东部山间盆地,是中国内地连接中国新疆、中亚地区及南北疆的交通枢纽。因地处盆地之中,四周高山环抱,增热迅速、散热慢,形成了日照长、气温高、昼夜温差大、降水少、风力强五大特点。因盆地内干燥少雨,日照充足,使这里盛产葡萄、哈密瓜、 Turpan, located in the eastern mountainous basin of Tianshan in Xinjiang, is a transportation hub connecting the areas of Xinjiang, Central Asia and northern and southern Xinjiang in China. Because it is located in the basin surrounded by mountains, rapid heating, heat slowly, forming a long sunshine, high temperature, large temperature difference between day and night, less precipitation, the wind is strong five characteristics. Due to dry and rainy basins, adequate sunshine, so rich in grapes here, Cantaloupe,
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项目编号:KJYF2004-B01(A)项目主持单位:中交一公院科技研发基金项目项目承担单位:中交第一公路勘察设计研究院有限公司交通部公路科学研究院长安大学项目主要负责人:霍明 P