The Short-term Therapeutic Effects of TCM for IgA Nephropathy In Children

来源 :Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lx19880614
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Objective: To evaluate the short-term therapeutic effects of TCM for IgA nephropathy in children. Methods: Sixty-two children with primary IgA nephropathy diagnosed for the first time by renal biopsy in the authors’ hospital were randomly divided into a group of 34 cases treated with both TCM and Western medicine and a group of 28 cases treated with Western medicine for six months. The improvements in urinary protein and red blood cell (RBC) were observed and the scores for TCM symptoms and signs were evaluated after 3 months and 6months of treatment. Results: There was no significant difference in the total effective rate between the two groups (χ2=4.743, P>0.05 after treatment for 3 months; and χ2=1.953, P>0.05 after treatment for 6 months). However, the cure plus marked effect rate in the group treated with both TCM and Western medicine was higher than that in the group treated with Western medicine (71.9% vs 45.5%, P<0.05 after treatment for 3 months). At the end of treatment, significant difference were found in the effective rate (9.3% vs 10.5%, χ2=9.653, P<0.01) and in the total score (0.81+1.18 vs 3.42+2.52,t=4.19, P<0.001) between the two groups. Conclusion: Treatment with both TCM and Western medicine can effectively improve the TCM symptoms and signs in child patients with IgA nephropathy, and alleviate hematuria and albuminuria. Objective: To evaluate the short-term therapeutic effects of TCM for IgA nephropathy in children. Methods: Sixty-two children with primary IgA nephropathy diagnosed for the first time by renal biopsy in the authors’ hospital were randomly divided into a group of 34 cases treated with both TCM and Western medicine and a group of 28 cases treated with Western medicine for six months. The improvements in urinary protein and red blood cells (RBC) were observed and the scores for TCM symptoms and signs were evaluated after 3 months and 6 months Results of There was no significant difference in the total effective rate between the two groups (χ2 = 4.743, P> 0.05 after treatment for 3 months; and χ2 = 1.953, P> 0.05 after treatment for 6 months) the cure plus marked effect rate in the group treated with both TCM and Western medicine was higher than that in the group treated with Western medicine (71.9% vs 45.5%, P <0.05 after treatment for 3 months). At the end of treatment,Significant differences were found in the effective rate (9.3% vs 10.5%, χ2 = 9.653, P <0.01) and in the total score (0.81 + 1.18 vs 3.42 + 2.52, t = 4.19, P <0.001) between the two groups. Conclusion: Treatment with both TCM and Western medicine can effectively improve the TCM symptoms and signs in child patients with IgA nephropathy, and alleviate hematuria and albuminuria.
作者报道用Cyclosporin A治疗活动性克隆氏病的临床经验。 7例克隆氏病患者平均病程为8±7年,5例因此病曾至少做一次手术治疗。2例有小肠复杂性瘘管。停用类固醇和柳氮磺胺
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