
来源 :数理化解题研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cestlaviewuyu
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高中数学新课程教学改革虽然已经在高中教育中得以全面开展,但是在实践的过程中,还是存在着一些问题的,在教学改革过程中,存在着对课程的结构与内容不够深入等问题.因此,本文主要对现阶段在高中数学新课程教学改革中存在的问题进行了分析与探讨,针对具体的问题提出了一些解决的办法与措施. Although the high school mathematics new curriculum teaching reform has been fully implemented in high school education, there are still some problems in the process of practice. In the process of teaching reform, there are problems such as the lack of thorough understanding of the structure and content of the curriculum. This paper mainly analyzes and discusses the problems existing in the teaching reform of the new mathematics curriculum in senior high schools at this stage, and proposes some solutions to the specific problems.
【正】 前些时我因事访问香港,在二十多天中,颇接触到不少编辑、作家和出版界的朋友。从香港到世界各地旅游很方便。上面提到的那些人物,不少都到过日本。他们对日本的出书气
【正】 我从一九五一年到广东人民出版社工作,至今已是二十多年了。今年以来,在党的十一届三中全会精神指引下,人们不断解放思想,出现了空前有利的局面。虽然还有印刷生产力