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当代医学和生命科学技术对人的身体的干预正日益广泛和深入,但其道德合理性却不断受到怀疑和抨击,与此有关的争论常常牵涉人的尊严。也就是说,有人认为其中许多做法有损人的尊严,另有人却持相反的观点。当代生命科学技术对人的身体的干预是否损害人的尊严不但与人们对尊严的理解有关,而且与人们对身体的定位有关。在哲学史上,关于人的身体的定位,历来有身心二元论和身体一元论两条路线。从不同的身体观出发来观照生命科学技术对人的身体的干预行为,如人工辅助生殖、人工流产、安乐死、人类基因增强、人类克隆等,就会有不同的道德评价。一般而言,身心二元论者对于各种干预身体的行为多持积极乐观的态度,而身体一元论者则更谨慎悲观。然而,对于解释人的尊严而言,以上两条路线都有其局限性,如果走到极端都会走向其反面,导致对身体的操控和消费。从人格同一性角度来看身心关系和人的尊严,则会发现:人的尊严不但关涉身体和心灵两个维度,而且牵涉人的历史和未来,涉及人的解构和重构。其中有些因素是身心二元论和身体一元论所未及考虑的,但这却是考察生命伦理与人的尊严问题的一个有益的视角。 The intervention of modern medicine and life science technology on the human body is becoming more and more widespread and in-depth. However, its ethical rationality is constantly being questioned and criticized. The debates related to it often involve human dignity. In other words, some believe that many of these practices undermine human dignity while others hold the opposite view. It is not only people’s understanding of dignity, but also people’s position on the body. In the history of philosophy, the positioning of the human body has always had two lines, physical and mental dualism and physical monism. From a different perspective on the body to observe life science and technology on human body interventions, such as artificial assisted reproductive, abortion, euthanasia, enhanced human genes, human cloning, there will be a different moral evaluation. In general, body-and-body dualists hold a positive and optimistic attitude towards various interventions on the body, while body monists are more cautious and pessimistic. However, both interpretations of human dignity have their own limitations. If they go to the extreme, they will go to the opposite, leading to the manipulation and consumption of the body. Physical and psychological relationship and human dignity from the perspective of personality identity, we find that human dignity is not only related to the two dimensions of body and mind, but also relates to the history and future of human beings and involves the deconstruction and reconstruction of human beings. Some of these factors have not been considered by both physical and mental dualism and body monism, but this is a useful perspective to examine the issues of bioethical and human dignity.
人际关系对思想政治工作来说 ,就是群众关系。影响人际关系的因素是金方面的 ,它需要思想政治工作者多方面的培养
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