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仲景在《伤寒论》中依照辨证论治的原则,本着“观其脉证,知犯何逆,随证治之”的精神,经理、法、方、药四个环节,灵活加减,随证用药、为中药的配伍应用开创了光辉的先例。本文仅就仲景用桂枝配伍略语其遣用药的独到匠心。温经通脉,散寒除痹 (1)桂枝配附子,温经止痛,如桂枝附子汤(179条,180条),该方对风寒湿邪杂至痹阻经络,凝滞不通,引起的肢体关节疼痛,甚至难以转侧,屈伸不利等症有效,桂枝配附子使寒湿除则疼痛止。 (2)桂枝配当归,养血活血,如当归四逆汤(351条),该方对血虚感寒,以至气血运行不利,不能温养四肢故手足厥冷,脉细欲绝等症。用当归养血活血,用桂枝温经止痛,通阳散寒,共奏温经、散寒、 Zhong Jing in “Treatise on Febrile Diseases,” according to the principles of syndrome differentiation and treatment, in the spirit of “seeing the symptoms, knowing what is wrong, with the rule of governance,” the spirit of the manager, law, party, medicine, flexible addition and subtraction, with the card The use of medicine, for the compatibility of traditional Chinese medicine has created a glorious precedent. This article is only the original ingenuity of Zhong Jing’s use of cassia twigs and her abbreviations. Warm meridian circulation, spread cold in addition to phlegm (1) Guizhi with aconite, warm through pain, such as Guizhi Aconite decoction (179, 180), the side of the wind and dampness evil mixed to stop meridians, stagnation barrier, caused by the limb Joint pain, and even difficult to turn the side, flexion and extension adverse and effective embolism, cassia twig with aconite so that cold and then the pain stops. (2) Guizhi with Angelica, nourishing blood and activating blood circulation, such as Angelica Sini decoction (351), the party has a cold feeling of blood deficiency, as well as unfavorable running of blood, it is not possible to warm the limbs, so that the hands and feet are very cold, and the pulse is inexhaustible. disease. Using angelica to nourish and promote blood circulation, using Guizhi Wentong to relieve pain, Tongyang to disperse cold, playing a total of Wenjing and dispelling cold,
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采用多导记录仪同步连续观测的方法,记录中药白花前胡水醇提取液(Pd-wa)对氯化钡诱发大鼠心律失常、血压、心肌收缩最大上升速率及心率等指标的影响。结果:Pd-wa 1g/kg iv后5
桔梗Platyccdon grandifiorum A.DC 主要成分为皂甙、甾醇、糖类等化台物。在对桔梗进行人工栽培研究的过程中,我们对桔梗不同生长期及主要器官中药理有效成分进行了分析测
从雷公藤多甙(TⅡ)中分离到一个单体,经UV,IR,~1H-NMR,~(12)C-NMR 2INMR,FTMS/SCI,MS,X-射线衍射等分析及与雷藤素甲(triptolide)的化学关联试验,确定化学结构为雷藤氯内酯醇