踏踏实实做人 兢兢业业工作——记邢台市桥东区南康村党总支书记赵进科

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赵进科同志自1999年任邢台市桥东区南康村党支部书记以及党总支书记以来,对村里的工作兢兢来业、任劳任怨,把怎样使村民尽快富起来挂在心上,落实到实际行动上。赵进科同志现任河北省老年体协委员、邢台市桥东区政协委员、东郭村乡经委副壬任,连年被评为市、区、乡级先进优秀党员;2002年被区评为城建先进个人。在任党总支书记期间,他带领双委一班人,团结务实,奋务拼搏,村连年被评为市级文明村、市级先进党总支;在党建、农业结构调整、计划生育等方面受到各级领导的好评。 Comrade Zhao Jinke since 1999 Ren Xingtai Shiqiao Nankang Village Party branch secretary and Party branch secretary since the work of the village went to great lengths of hard work, hard working, how to make the villagers rich as soon as possible linked to the heart, to implement the actual action on. Comrade Zhao Jinke currently serves as member of Hebei Province Senior Citizens Association, member of CPPCC of Qiaodong District of Xingtai City and vice-chairman of Dongguocun Rural Economic Commission. In recent years, he was appraised as advanced outstanding member of city, district and township level; During his term of office as party secretary, he led a group of double commissions, solidarity and pragmatism, struggling hardworking. In recent years, the village was named municipal civilized village, municipal advanced party branch; in party building, agricultural restructuring, family planning and so on Praised by leaders at all levels.
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