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黄河、黄土地——中华民族的摇篮,哺育了多少才情卓著的华夏儿女。中国近代绘画史上,以西安赵望云、石鲁、方济众等为代表的画家们,立足黄土大地,本着“一手伸向传统,一手伸向生活”的创作理念,以大量极具现实主义精神的佳作确立了“长安画派”在中国画坛的地位。而今,从小在黄土高原上长大的著名山水画家苗重安,继承“长安画派”优良传统,进一步开拓现代北派山水新气象,成为“后继有人”的第二代中的佼佼者。寒门才子的黄河情缘苗重安祖籍山西运城,1938年出生在黄河南岸的河南陕县。童年丧父,少年亡母,靠爷爷、奶奶支持着艰辛地读完中小学。命运的不幸,反而养成了他艰苦奋斗的进取毅力。1957年,他考入西安美术学院。饮着黄河水,踏着黄土地,这个寒门才子在跌爬坎坷中长大成人。1960年他毕业后留校任教,给罗铭先生做助手。不久,在罗铭引荐下,得以到上海中国画院进修,正式拜山水画大家贺天健为师,历时三年,往返于西安与上海之间。苗重安从罗铭先生那里学习了扎实的中西融合的对景写生方法,又从贺天健先生那里学到了中国画技法的十八般武艺,且幸运地补上了中国画传统精神的一课。他把两位恩师的教育两相结合、融汇于心,洋为中用、推陈出新、走出了一条自己的山水画风格之路——实写的北派山水。苗重安的山水作品以“黄河系列”著称于世。他画黄河始自1959年到三门峡水库工地写生,曾发表处女作《黄河风雨》,从此一发不可收。他多次跋涉往返于黄河中游晋陕一带,年 Yellow River, Yellow Earth - the cradle of the Chinese nation, nurturing the number of talented Chinese children. In the history of modern Chinese painting, painters represented by Zhao Wangyun, Shiru and Fang Jizhong in Xi’an, based on the loess land and the creative concept of “one hand to the tradition and one hand to life”, use a large number of very realistic The masterpiece of the spirit ofism has established the position of “Chang’an School of Painting” in the Chinese painting society. Today, Miao Chong’an, a famous landscape painter who grew up on the Loess Plateau, inherits the fine tradition of “Chang’an School of Painting” to further open up a new atmosphere of modern northern landscapes and become the second generation of “successors” Leader. Worthy of the Yellow River Love Miaozhong An ancestral home Yuncheng in Shanxi Province, was born in 1938 in the southern bank of Henan Yellow River Shanxian. Childhood lost his father, juvenile death mother, rely on grandfather, grandma support hard to finish primary and secondary schools. The unfortunate fate, but cultivate his hard-working enterprising and perseverance. In 1957, he was admitted to Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts. Drink the Yellow River water, marching the yellow land, the cold-geniuses in the ups and downs ups and downs in adults. After graduating from school in 1960 to teach, to Mr. Luo Ming assistant. Soon after being introduced by Luo Ming, he went to study at the Shanghai Chinese Painting Academy and formally paid a courtesy call on He Tianjian, a landscape artist. He spent three years traveling between Xi’an and Shanghai. Miao Chong’an learned from Luo Ming a solid combination of Chinese and Western approaches to sketching. He learned the eighteenth martial arts of Chinese painting techniques from Mr. He Tianjian and was fortunate enough to make up the lesson of traditional Chinese painting. He combined the two mentors’ education into two parts and merged them together in a heart-shaped way. As a result, he brought forth new ideas and stepped out of his own style of landscape painting. Miaozhongan landscape works to “Yellow River series ” is known to the world. He painted the Yellow River from 1959 to the Sanmenxia Reservoir site sketching, had published debut “The Yellow River storm”, from which no hair can be received. He traveled many times to and from the middle reaches of the Yellow River in Shanxi Province
中国经济体制改革所带来的深刻变化,冲击着文化、教育各个领域,震撼着人们的心灵 和思想观念。学校德育工作处在“道德难讲清、活动难开展、水平难提高”的被动局 面,应该从
学校的根本任务是育人,在新时期学校的德育工作应从增强时代感、针对性、实效性、 主动性方面加以探讨研究。 The fundamental mission of the school is to educate people
一、德育内容上,重点加强“爱国、守法、勤俭、文明”四项基本教育 在学校德育工作的实践中,我们积极借鉴外地外校先进经验,结合本校实际,逐步确立了德育的最基本目标是使学
“主体活动探究式”是全国“九五”规划重点课题《面向21世纪基础教育课程教材改革 研究》的科研成果之一,旨在改革传统应试教育中学生主体性受压抑的弊端,全面释放 学生的个