Mixed hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinoma may derive from \\"hepatogones\\"

来源 :Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangluojishu0802
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The Editor welcomes submissions for possible publication in the Letters to the Editor section that consist of commentary on an article published in the Journal or other relevant issues. Letters commenting on an article published in the Journal will be considered if they are received within 6 weeks of the time the article was published. Authors of the article being commented on will be given an The Editor welcomes submissions for possible publication in the Letters to the Editor section that consist of commentary on an article published in the Journal or other relevant issues. Letters commenting on an article published in the Journal will be considered if they are received within 6 weeks of the time the article was published. Authors of the article being commented on will be given an
历代文人雅士咏竹言志、抒情寄怀的诗词不计其数 ,赏竹、咏竹、慕竹的素洁坚贞、高风亮节 ,成为长盛不衰的高雅风尚。有的对竹子的偏爱 ,几乎达到一种近乎痴迷的程度。晋代的
应用各种层析手段(Sephadex LH-20,硅胶Silica和RP-8柱层析),从海洋真菌发酵液中分离纯化了2个actinopyrone类化合物,结合多种波谱方法(HRESI-MS,1D NMR,2D NMR),确定了它们
很多人知道葛洲坝和三峡大坝,但很多人似乎并不知道宜昌。宜昌,依托葛洲坝和三峡大坝实现了前两次振兴;现在,“天机”不在,宜昌却靠自己实现着新的发展蝶变,未来短短 Many p
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由罗贤美、田发刚主编的《恩施州民族研究丛书》首批10部著作出版发行,是新世纪湖北民族地区文化史上的大事,写一点感受以志庆贺。 鄂西民族地区是土家族、苗族及其他少数民族的