
来源 :西南民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huwei00
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藏传佛教(俗称喇嘛教)是佛教由尼泊尔、印度、汉族地区三路传入西藏后,经与当地传统的苯教斗争、融合而产生的独具特色的宗教流派。自公元七世纪松赞干布时代起至近现代,藏传佛教历经演化,不断扩展,全面渗透于藏族社会的政治、经济、文化等各个领域,在地域上扩张传播至四川、青海、甘肃、内蒙、云南等地,甚至飘洋过海传到欧美等外邦之地。在藏族社会里,曾长期实行政教合一制度;经济上确立过寺院农奴经济制度;文化上藏传佛教包容了哲学、教育、美术、天文、地理、医学、建筑、音乐、舞蹈、戏剧等领域;藏民过去的思想与行为无不学制于佛教。因此,要了解藏族的传统教育与现代教育(包括接受了藏传佛教的蒙古、裕固、土族等少数民族的教育),就必须研究藏传佛教的教育(亦可称为寺院教育)制度。 Tibetan Buddhism (Lamaism, commonly known as Buddhism) is a unique religious genre produced by the integration of Buddhism from the three roads of Nepal, India and the Han nationality into Tibet after being struck by the traditional Bon religion. From Song Dynasty to the present age of the seventh century AD, Tibetan Buddhism has evolved, expanded continuously and permeated all aspects of politics, economy and culture in Tibetan society and spread and spread geographically to Sichuan, Qinghai, Gansu and Inner Mongolia , Yunnan and other places, and even across the sea reached Europe and the United States and other foreign land. In the Tibetan society, the system of the integration of government and religion has been implemented for a long time; the economic system of monasteries and monasteries in the temple has been established economically; Tibetan Buddhism in culture has embraced the fields of philosophy, education, art, astronomy, geography, medicine, architecture, music, dance, drama and the like ; All the ideas and behaviors of Tibetans in the past have been systematically studied in Buddhism. Therefore, to understand Tibetan traditional education and modern education (including the education of ethnic minorities such as Mongolia, Yugur and Tu nationalities who have accepted Tibetan Buddhism), it is necessary to study the system of education (or monastery education) in Tibetan Buddhism.
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